
VS Code Extension for Flutter

MIT License


Flutter Plus

Extension add some useful commands to Flutter development in Visual Studio Code.

Wrap with...

This package extends your Flutter development experience by providing convenient snippets and commands for wrapping widgets with other commonly used Flutter widgets, similar to the "Wrap with..." functionality in Flutter's built-in extension for VS Code. These additions streamline the process of encapsulating your widgets within other widgets that enhance functionality or control, such as state management, repaint isolation, and more.

Simply select the widget you want to wrap, and choose the appropriate "Wrap with..." command from the command palette, or use the provided snippets to quickly insert the desired wrapper code into your widget tree.

This extension includes the following standard "Wrap with..." commands:

  • Wrap with ListenableBuilder: Easily wrap any widget with a ListenableBuilder to rebuild the widget based on changes in a Listenable object.
  • Wrap with ValueListenableBuilder: Automatically wrap your widget with a ValueListenableBuilder to react to changes in a ValueListenable<T>.
  • Wrap with RepaintBoundary: Encapsulate your widget within a RepaintBoundary to isolate its repaint process, improving performance in complex UIs.
  • Wrap with SliverPadding: Wrap your widget with a SliverPadding to add padding around a sliver widget in a CustomScrollView.

In order to add custom "Wrap with" commands, you can change the configuration in flutter-plus.wraps settings. The configuration is an array of objects with the following properties:

  • name: The name of the command that will appear in the command palette.
  • body: The snippet body that will be inserted into the editor when the command is executed. Use ${0...N} to indicate the position of the selected text. In order to insert the selected text, use ${widget}.

Example configuration:

  "wraps": [
      "name": "Wrap with CustomWidget",
      "body": [
        "  child: ${widget},",

Markdown snippets

Shortcut Description
unreleased Create a new unreleased section. Used to list features that are not yet released.
version Create a new version section. Used to list features that are released in a specific version.

Dart snippets

Shortcut Description
main Generates a main function with error handling and zone management for Dart applications.
try Creates a try-catch-finally block, useful for managing exceptions and ensuring cleanup code runs.
timeout Creates a timeout handler for setting execution limits on asynchronous operations.
stopwatch Initializes a Stopwatch to measure and log elapsed time for code execution.
conditional Generates platform-specific imports based on the environment (VM or JS), ensuring compatibility across different platforms.
dvd Inserts a divider comment line, useful for visually separating sections of code.
reverseList Generates a loop for traversing a list in reverse order.
part Adds a part directive to include the specified Dart file as part of the current library.
mocks Imports a Dart file containing mock implementations for testing purposes.
toStr Overrides the toString method for a custom object, providing a string representation of the object for debugging or logging.
equals Generates hash code and equals methods, overriding the == operator and the hashCode getter for custom object comparison.
nosm Implements the noSuchMethod method, handling calls to non-existent methods or properties.
test Creates a test function, setting up a basic test case using the test package.
pragma Inserts a pragma directive to optimize or modify Dart VM/compiler behavior based on the specified options.
doc-disabled Adds a comment annotation to disable documentation generation for the specified block of code.
doc-category Categorizes a block of documentation with the specified category or subcategory tags.
doc-image Embeds an image within a block of documentation, using the specified URL as the source.
doc-animation Embeds an animation within a block of documentation, with options for specifying the size and source URL.
doc-html Injects custom HTML into a documentation comment, allowing for rich formatting or content inclusion.
newtmpl Creates a new Dart documentation template with the current file's name as the prefix, useful for reusing content across multiple documentation blocks.
usetmpl Inserts an existing Dart documentation macro, using the current file's name as the prefix, to maintain consistency in documentation.
deprecated Marks a class, method, or property as deprecated, indicating that it should no longer be used and may be removed in future versions.
meta Applies a meta annotation to a class, method, or property, providing additional metadata for tooling or code analysis purposes.
coverage Adds a coverage annotation to mark lines or blocks of code that should be ignored by test coverage tools.

Flutter snippets

Shortcut Description
mateapp Creates a new MaterialApp widget, an application that uses Material Design components and theming.
cupeapp Creates a new CupertinoApp widget, an application that uses Cupertino (iOS-style) design components and theming.
scaffold Creates a new Scaffold widget, implementing the basic Material Design visual layout structure including app bar, drawer, and floating action button.
stl Generates a new StatelessWidget class, a widget that does not require mutable state and is rebuilt only when the configuration changes.
stlChild Generates a new StatelessWidget class with a child widget, for cases where a single child widget needs to be passed and rendered.
stf Generates a new StatefulWidget class, a widget that has mutable state that can change over time, and its associated State class.
stfChild Generates a new StatefulWidget class with a child widget, allowing for a stateful widget to have a single child widget passed in and managed.
inh Creates a new InheritedWidget class, which efficiently propagates information down the widget tree to descendants.
of Generates a static of method for an InheritedWidget, returning the nearest widget of the specified type and creating a dependency on it.
stateOf Generates a static stateOf method for a State object, returning the State object of the nearest ancestor StatefulWidget of the specified type.
widgetOf Generates a static widgetOf method for a Widget object, returning the nearest ancestor widget of the specified type.
painter Creates a new CustomPainter class, which provides a canvas on which to draw during the paint phase, used for drawing custom shapes and graphics.
clipper Creates a new CustomClipper class, used for defining custom clipping shapes for widgets.
debugFillProperties Generates a debugFillProperties method to add additional properties associated with the widget for debugging purposes.
initS Creates an initState method, called when this object is inserted into the widget tree for the first time, typically used to initialize state.
dispose Creates a dispose method, called when this object is permanently removed from the widget tree, used for cleanup of resources.
reassemble Creates a reassemble method, called during debugging whenever the application is reassembled, for example, during a hot reload.
didChangeD Creates a didChangeDependencies method, called when a dependency of the State object changes.
didUpdateW Creates a didUpdateWidget method, called whenever the widget’s configuration changes.
build Generates a build method, describing the part of the user interface represented by this widget.
listViewBuilder Creates a ListView.builder, a scrollable list that lazily builds its children as they scroll into view, useful for large or infinite lists.
listViewSeparated Creates a ListView.separated, a scrollable list that displays a separator widget between each child widget, ideal for lists with visually distinct sections.
gridViewBuilder Creates a GridView.builder, a scrollable grid of widgets that are created on demand.
gridViewCount Creates a GridView.count, a scrollable grid of widgets with a fixed number of tiles in the cross axis.
gridViewE Creates a GridView.extent, a scrollable grid of widgets with tiles that each have a maximum cross-axis extent.
customScrollV Creates a CustomScrollView, a scrollable area that creates custom scroll effects using slivers.
builder Creates a Builder widget, which allows you to create a child widget in a way that depends on the BuildContext.
wrapWithBuilder Wraps the selected widget with a Builder widget, delegating the widget building process to a callback.
stfBuilder Creates a StatefulBuilder widget, which allows for state management and rebuilding a specific portion of the widget tree.
strBuilder Creates a StreamBuilder widget, which rebuilds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with a Stream.
lisBuilder Creates a ListenableBuilder widget, which rebuilds itself based on the latest value of a Listenable it listens to.
valLisBuilder Creates a ValueListenableBuilder widget, which rebuilds itself based on the latest value of a ValueListenable.
animBuilder Creates an AnimatedBuilder widget, which rebuilds itself based on an animation.
switcher Creates an AnimatedSwitcher widget, which switches between two children and animates the transition between them.
orientBuilder Creates an OrientationBuilder widget, which rebuilds itself based on the latest orientation of the device (portrait or landscape).
layBuilder Creates a LayoutBuilder widget, which rebuilds itself based on the latest layout constraints, useful for responsive layouts.
repBound Creates a RepaintBoundary widget, which isolates repaints so that a repaint of one child is separate from others, improving performance.
singleChildSV Creates a SingleChildScrollView widget, which allows a single child to be scrolled.
futBuilder Creates a FutureBuilder widget, which rebuilds itself based on the latest snapshot of interaction with a Future.
tweenAnimBuilder Creates a TweenAnimationBuilder widget, which animates a property of a widget to a target value whenever the target value changes.
testWidget Creates a testWidgets function for testing a widget, typically used in Flutter's unit testing framework.
row Creates a Row widget, which displays its children in a horizontal array.
col Creates a Column widget, which displays its children in a vertical array.
wrap Creates a Wrap widget, which displays its children in multiple horizontal or vertical runs, wrapping to the next line when necessary.
stack Creates a Stack widget, which allows you to place widgets on top of each other in a z-order.
fittedbox Creates a FittedBox widget, which scales and positions its child within itself according to the specified fit.
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