
React mouse follower is a package based on react and framer motion. It provides components to add and customise cool mouse follower to your cursor



React Mouse Follower is a versatile package built on React and Framer Motion. This package offers a set of components that allow you to effortlessly integrate and personalize an impressive mouse follower to your cursor. With React Mouse Follower, you can easily enhance the user experience by adding visually appealing and fully customizable effects that follow the movement of the mouse.


Install using npm:

npm install react-mouse-follower

Install through yarn:

yarn add react-mouse-follower


ReactJS (

Framer Motion (


Simple Syntax

Easy to use components to allow quick development and integration with your ui/ux.

Stackable Effects

You can update the mouse options by nesting the UpdateFollower component multiple times.


You can customise your mouse follower by changing - background color, scale, radius, speed, rotation, and many more.


FollowerProvider - Creates and attaches the mouse follower to your mouse. Wrap your components with it once to initialise the follower.

import { MouseFollower } from 'react-mouse-follower';

function App() {
  return (
      <MouseFollower />
      // rest of the code

export default App;

UpdateFollower - Updates the mouse follower settings when mouse enters the child components wrapped inside it. It can be nested to produce cool effects.

import './Component.css';
import { UpdateFollower } from 'react-mouse-follower';

function Component() {
  return (
        backgroundColor: 'white',
        zIndex: 2,
        followSpeed: 1.5,
      <h1>Sample header</h1>

export default Component;

It takes the following arguments:

Name Type Description
className string | null CSS class name to apply on the div
style object | null CSS styles for the div
onClick function Callback function to execute on click
onMouseEnter function Callback function to execute on mouse entering the div
onMouseLeave function Callback function to execute on mouse leaving the div
mouseOptions object Takes parameters to apply on the mouse follower when the mouse enters the div

Mouse Options example with background element:

const mouseOptions = {
  zIndex: 2,
  backgroundColor: 'blue',
  scale: 5,
  mixBlendMode: 'difference',
  backgroundElement: (
    <div style={{ width: '100%' }}>
      <img src="..." alt="..." />

Mouse Options example with Text:

const mouseOptions = {
  zIndex: 2,
  backgroundColor: 'black',
  radius: 60,
  text: 'Sample Text',
  textColor: 'white',
  textFontFamily: 'sans-serif',
  textFontSize: '25px',

All Mouse Options:

Name Type Description
zIndex integer Applies z-index to follower. Default value - 0
scale number Changes the scale of follower. Default value - 1
radius number Sets the radius in pixels of the follower circle. Default value - 12
rotate number(in degree) Rotates the follower. Default value - 0
backgroundColor string Sets the background color of the follower. Default value - "black"
followSpeed number Changes the speed of following animation. Default value - 1
visible boolean Sets the visibility of the follower
backgroundElement JSX.Element Takes a react component and renders it in the follower circle center
customPosition RefObject Takes in a ref (from useRef react hook) and places the follower to center of the referenced div when the mouse enters
customLocation object Takes x and y co-ordinates and places the follower there
mixBlendMode string Applies mixBlendMode css property to follower div
text string Adds text to the center of the follower
textFontSize string Font size for the text property
textColor string Color for the text property. Default value - white
textFontFamily string Font family for the text property
textLineHeight string Line height for the text property
textLetterSpacing string Letter spacing for the text property

useControlOptions - provides more functionality to utilise the mouse follower capabilities.

import { useControlOptions } from 'react-mouse-follower';

export default function MyComponent() {
  const { removePreviousLayer, topLayer } = useControlOptions();
  useEffect(() => {
  }, []);
  return (
      {/* Rest of your component */}

All functions provided:

Name Description
addOptionLayer pushes new options layer on the top
removePreviousLayer removes top most layer
clearLayers clears all previous layers
log logs all events on the console
topLayer returns the top most layer

Nested UpdateFollower with custom position sample:

export default function HamburgerIcon() {
  const containerRef = useRef(null);
  const [isHovering, setIsHovering] = useState(false);
  return (
      <div className="hamburger-container">
          style={{ padding: '30px' }}
            customPosition: containerRef,
            scale: 6,
          onMouseEnter={() => {
          onMouseLeave={() => {
            style={{ width: '30px', zIndex: 2, display: 'flex', flexDirection: 'column', gap: '10px', cursor: 'pointer' }}
            <div className="hamburger-bar" style={{ backgroundColor: isHovering ? 'white' : 'black' }}></div>
            <div className="hamburger-bar" style={{ backgroundColor: isHovering ? 'white' : 'black' }}></div>
            <div className="hamburger-bar" style={{ backgroundColor: isHovering ? 'white' : 'black' }}></div>


Storybook on Chromatic:

Portfolio site showcasing the mouse follower:


Your contributions and suggestions are heartily welcome.
