
Azure Owin FSharp


Azure Owin F-Sharp:

This is generic cloud based online collaboration/gaming platform. But because generic sounds bad, let's specify more:

This is a architecture of users (players) and rooms (games). Users can join rooms. They can chat with other users in the rooms. Users can co-operate with other room users, e.g. play games.

Claims based authentication: Facebook / Google+ (/...) external logins are supported

See the high level picture: Architecture.jpg

The whole system runs in cloud as Windows Azure Worker role. Worker role hosts OWIN (Katana) based web server. Web server hosts (Hateoas) REST-based WebApi for data communication. And SignalR (Hub) for web-based Publish/Subscribe -pattern to enable real-time bi-directional communication between users, usually based on WebSockets. Web server tunnel static HTML-files from Windows Azure Blob Storage.

User data is stored to Windows Azure Table Storage (which is a NoSQL document database).

Runtime data uses Actor/Agent -based communication: Each user has an agent. Each room has an agent. There is (generic strongly typed) control agent class which can create other agents. (e.g. one instance for room-agents, one for user-agents)

Programming language is F-Sharp (F#). It is a multi-paradigm (functional-first) programming language mainly for .NET environment. F# related technologies: Fog is used for Azure communication. FSharp.Net.Http and FSharp.Web.Http is used for HTTP communication.

This is developed with Visual Studio 2012 (Update 4) / Visual Studio 2013 and Azure SDK 2.2. References are resolved via NuGet.

To run: Build and run from Visual Studio See the host console from (task tray icon) Azure Compute Emulator. There is a line something like: "Starting OWIN at" (If compute emulator logging works...) Copy the address and open it with web browser. (...or you can deploy this to Windows Azure) StartInstructions.jpg

Sample HTML-pages are just HTML5 with jQuery and Knockout.js They are deployed from the -file.

Extracted from project README
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