
A simple markdown checker

MIT License



markdownlinkchecker is a tool to check Markdown links. Both file and URL links are checked.

How To Install

The markdownlinkchecker nuget package is published to

You can install the tool using the following command.

dotnet tool install -g markdownlinkchecker

How To Use

By default markdownlinkchecker will look in the current directory and its subdirectories for Markdown files. You can also exclude specific files using -e or check a specific list of files using -f. You can control how verbose the output will be by using the -v option.

  markdownlinkchecker [options]

  -v, --verbosity <VERBOSITY> Set the verbosity level. Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal] (default) and [d]etailed.
  -d, --directory <DIRECTORY> The directory to operate on. Any relative file or directory paths specified in other options will be relative to this directory.
                              If not specified, the working directory is used.
  -e, --exclude <EXCLUDE>     A list of relative Markdown file or directory paths to exclude from checking.
  -f, --files <FILES>         A list of relative Markdown file or directory paths to check. All Markdown files are checked if empty.
  -m, --mode <MODE>           Which links to check. Allowed values are f[iles], u[rls] and a[ll] (default).
  --help                      Display how to use the tool.
  --version                   Display version information.

Add markdownlinkchecker after dotnet and before the command arguments that you want to run:

Examples Description
dotnet markdownlinkchecker Check the Markdown files in the current directory and its subdirectories.
dotnet markdownlinkchecker -d <directory> Check the Markdown files in a particular directory and its subdirectories.
dotnet markdownlinkchecker -v detailed Check with very detailed logging.
dotnet markdownlinkchecker -f Check the files.
dotnet markdownlinkchecker -e Ignore the file.
dotnet markdownlinkchecker -m urls Only check URL links.

Ignoring files

Files can be ignored through .markdownignore files. The format of this file matches that of the .gitignore file:

How To Uninstall

You can uninstall the tool using the following command.

dotnet tool uninstall -g markdownlinkchecker

How To Build From Source

You can build and package the tool using the following commands. The instructions assume that you are in the root of the repository.

dotnet pack -o artifacts
# The final line from the build will read something like
# Successfully created package '.\artifacts\MarkdownLinkChecker.0.1.0.nupkg'.
# Use the value that is in the form `0.1.0` as the version in the next command.
dotnet tool install --add-source .\artifacts markdownlinkchecker --version <version>
dotnet markdownlinkchecker

Note: On macOS and Linux, .\artifacts will need be switched to ./artifacts to accommodate for the different slash directions.

Extracted from project README