
.NET interface to GnuCash

GPL-3.0 License



NetCash is a set of tools for GnuCash powered by the native GnuCash C API and was built with .NET.

The project consists of

  1. Reusable core library (for .NET)
  2. Command-line interface
  3. Mobile friendly Web UI (coming sooon)
  4. JSON-RPC server (coming sooon)


  • Source in the main branch is usable, but is a WIP and is far from stable. There might be bugs and the interface is going to change.

  • It was initially developed against GnuCash 4.12 and works with 5.3 at the time of writing.

  • The CLI and web UI are not as featureful and fancy as slimiar tools like ledger/hledger/beancount/fava. They were made for my personal needs and for the demonstration of building apps on top of the core.

    If you would like more features, consider contributing.


This library is a free software and provides NO WARRANTY, even though there hasn't been any known faults that cause data corruption, it's never a bad idea to back up your financial data before making changes. We hold NO RESPONSIBILITY for anything unexpected that might occur to your data.


  • GnuCash >= 4.12

This project is not available as binaries right now, to use it just clone this repo and compile on your own.

When released, the cli and (web)server will be distributed as single file native executables, netcash-cli and netcash-server respectively, without the installation of the .NET runtime.

The core library

The core library is a .NET wrapper / partial binding for the C API.

It aims to provide an easy-to-use interface that hides the nuts and bolts of the underlying mechanics.

By using the core library, you are able to build your own accouting automation tools that serve your personal needs.


Tip: if you've cloned this repo, you can run this example locally with dotnet run --project examples and open the generated book with GnuCash to see if it actually works.

using NetCash;
using NetCash.Helpers;

// Initializes the engine.

// Use the following overload if gnucash-cli is not available from PATH.
GnuCashEngine.Initialize(@"X:\Program Files (x86)\gnucash\bin\gnucash-cli.exe");

var path = Path.Join(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "netcash-demo.gnucash");

// Creates an new empty book.
using var book = Book.Create(path, overwrite: true);

// Creates chart of accounts.
var checking = book
    .NewAccount("Assets", Bindings.GNCAccountType.ACCT_TYPE_ASSET)
    .Invoke(assets => assets.IsPlaceholder = true)

// With short-hand extension method
var salary = book.GetOrMakeIncomeAccount("Income", "Salary");
var prepaidRent = book.GetOrMakeAssetAccount("Assets", "Prepaid Expenses", "Rent");

var expenses = book.GetOrMakeExpenseAccount("Expenses");
var rent = expenses.NewChildAccount("Rent");
var food = expenses.NewChildAccount("Food");
var utilities = expenses.NewChildAccount("Utilities");
var water = utilities.NewChildAccount("Water");
var electric = utilities.NewChildAccount("Electric");

    Now we should have the following account tree:

    |- Assets
    |  |- Checking
    |  `- Prepaid Expenses
    |     `- Rent
    |- Income
    |  `- Salary
    `- Expenses
      |- Food
      |- Rent
      `- Utilities
          |- Water
          `- Electric

// Records paycheck.
// A typical 2-split transaction.
salary.TransferTo(checking, 5000);

var monthyRent = 1000;

// Records expenses (rent, food and utilities).
// A multi-split transaction.
    .AddSplit(account: food, value: 900)
    .AddSplit(account: rent, value: monthyRent)
    // Prepay rent for the next 2 months
    .AddSplit(account: prepaidRent, value: monthyRent * 2)
    .AddSplit(account: water, value: 10)
    .AddSplit(account: electric, value: 50)
    // Create a balancing split in Assets:Checking
    // we could just call `.AddSplit(account: checking, value: manualValue)` instead
    // Don't forget to save.

// Creates future transactions for rent expenses for the following 2 months.
var nextMonth = DateOnly.FromDateTime(DateTime.Today).AddMonths(1);
book.CreateAccrualTransactions(prepaidRent, rent, 2, nextMonth);

// Saves changes. (optional, books will save before close.)

Update preferences

// Set accounting period
Preferences.AccountingPeriod.StartDate = new Preferences.DateChoice.Specific(DateOnly.Parse("2022/11/23"));
Preferences.AccountingPeriod.EndDate = Preferences.DateChoice.EndOfThisYear;

More examples

Check out the tests and examples folder.

API reference

See docs

Command-line interface (CLI)

The sole command is bal (or balance), which is similar to the bal command in ledger-like tools.

e.g. netcash-cli bal --tree netcash-demo.gnucash outputs:

         $1,040.00  Assets
         $1,040.00    Checking
             $0.00    Prepaid Expenses
             $0.00      Rent
         $3,960.00  Expenses
           $900.00    Food
         $3,000.00    Rent
            $60.00    Utilities
            $50.00      Electric
            $10.00      Water
        -$5,000.00  Income
        -$5,000.00    Salary

Web UI & JSON-RPC (coming soon)

The web UI is a self-hosted companion app to update your book when you are away from your desktop computer.

The RPC server provides a language-agnostic way to program your accounting tools via JSON-RPC.

  • Start the web and RPC server: netcash-server --listen :58426 book.gnucash
  • Start the RPC server only: netcash-server --listen :58426 --rpc book.gnucash


Tip: to deploy the server on a home computer and make it accessbile from the internet you can use SSH port forwarding.

It's also recommended to use a reverse proxy such as Apache, Nginx or Caddy for HTTPS and other security measurements.


  • Install .NET SDK. (Use x86 variant for Windows)
  • dotnet tool restore to restore local dotnet tools.
  • dotnet run --project docs to generate documentation files.