
Nice F# support for Newtonsoft.JSON - tuples as arrays, maps as objects, lists as arrays, unions as _name-metadata annotated arrays, decimals as strings to save precision, options as null/value, string-GUIDs and finally BigInt support. **I recommend using Chiron instead of Newtonsoft**



Deprecated in favour of Chiron

Nice F# support for Newtonsoft.JSON - tuples as arrays, maps as objects, lists as arrays, unions as _name-metadata annotated arrays, decimals as strings to save precision, options as null/value, string-GUIDs and finally BigInt support.

Sponsored by qvitoo – A.I. bookkeeping.


You have three choices;

1. You can instantiate the converter:

open Newtonsoft.Json.FSharp
let str = JsonConvert.Serialize(o, [| GuidConverter() :> JsonConverter |])

2. You can add the converters:

open Newtonsoft.Json.FSharp
let str = JsonConvert.Serialize(o, Serialisation.converters)

3. You can extend JsonSerializerSettings with it

This is a nice way to do it, because you can then pass those settings into your Bootstrapper/Composition Root of your program. Remember you need to acutally use the settings.

open Newtonsoft.Json.FSharp
let opts = Serialisation.extend (JsonSerializerSettings()) // this goes global
let str = JsonConvert.Serialize(o, opts) // this is local

The Converters

You can find all the converters in the source tree.

The convert both from and to.

BigInt Converter

=> {
  "_name": "System.Numeric.BigInt, System.Numeric"
  "value": "267321267876321"

CultureInfo Converter

CultureInfo "sv-SE"
=> "sv-SE"

Guid Converter

=> "6ac5c744-ad0b-412c-bf11-9fb732344d90"

List Converter

[ 2;3;4;5 ]
=> [ 2,3,4,5 ]

Map Converter

[ "hello", "world"; "you", "there" ] => { "hello": "world", "you": "there" }

Option Converter

type A = { a : string; b : int option }
{ a = "hi"; b = None }
=> { "a": "hi", "b": null }

{ a = "hi"; b = Some 5 }
=>  { "a": "hi", "b": 5 }

Tuple Array Converter

"3", 4e11
=> [ "3", 4e11 ]

Union Converter

type Drinks =
  | Swimmingpool
  | IrishCoffee of teaSpoonsSugar:int
=> {
  "_name": "Drinks|Swimmingpool",
  "value": null

IrishCoffee 3
=> {
  "_name": "Drinks|IrishCoffee",
  "value": [ 3 ]

Uri Converter

Uri ""
=> ""