
A modern FOSS remake of The Tone Rebellion.

MIT License


Overtone Status Umbra

Overtone is a remake of The Tone Rebellion, a strategy game developed by The Logic Factory and released in 1997.

Developer Documentation

Getting the Game Resources

Overtone will reuse the original resources as much as possible. To run the game, the user will have to provide the resources (it is unlikely we'll ever be able to provide these resources ourselves).

The game is considered abandonware, so feel free to download the game from the Internet Archive.


To develop the project, you'll need .NET SDK 7.0 or later installed.


$ dotnet build


$ dotnet test

Available Utilities


This is the COB file extractor.

$ dotnet run --project Overtone.Cob -- ls <path to a COB archive>
$ dotnet run --project Overtone.Cob -- x <path to a COB archive> <path to the output dir>


This is a tool to extract game resources (currently, shape files rendering).

$ dotnet run --project Overtone.Extractor -- args

Where args are:

  • info path.shp: print shape file information
  • render path.shp output/directory: render sprites from a shape file to a collection of png files in an output directory
  • palette path.shp: print a palette file name for a shape file

All commands support wildcards (say, render path/*.shp /output/dir).


Author would like to thank the following people for their help with this project (in no particular order):