
Gatsby plugin for sitemap tree generation based on the dataLayer



Create a sitemap tree for your Gatsby site. Compatible Gatsby 4.

NOTE: This plugin only generates output when run in production mode! To test your sitemap, run: gatsby build && gatsby serve

If you already installed gatsby-plugin-advanced-sitemap, we have a migration guide


npm install gatsby-plugin-complex-sitemap-tree

How to Use

(This is a base utilisation, all options are listed after)

This plugin will allow you to create a sitemap tree to organize your urls.

Let's start with a simple exemple : We have a recipe site like Chefclub which means that we have a lot of recipes organized in categories and so, in our dataLayer, we have the two corresponding collections : allRecipes and allCategories

We want a sitemap tree like this :

So our config will look like this :

// In your gatsby-config.js
siteMetadata: {
  siteUrl: ``,
plugins: [
    resolve : "gatsby-plugin-complex-sitemap-tree",
    options: {
      query: `
        MyRecipes : allRecipes {
            edges {
                node {
        allCategories {
            edges {
                node {
      sitemapTree : {
        fileName: "sitemap.xml",
        children: [
            fileName: "sitemap-categories.xml",
            queryName: "allCategories",
            serializer: (edge) => ({loc : edge.slug, lastmod : edge.last_new_recipe})
            fileName: "sitemap-recipes.xml",
            queryName: "MyRecipes",
            serializer: (edge) => ({loc : edge.slug, lastmod : edge.last_comment_date})


Plugin options

Required Name Description Default Example
query The GraphQL query to get information from the data layer allSitePage { nodes { path } } See "Default" column
sitemapTree The sitemap tree object (See Sitemap tree options below) (See Sitemap tree options below)
outputFolder The output folder from the public folder sitemaps_folder will export all sitemaps like this public/sitemaps_folder/my-sitemap.xml
entryLimitPerFile The maximum number of entry in a sitemap file. Must be between 1 and 50 000. If there are too much urls the file will be split. 45000
createLinkInHead If true a \<link> to the root sitemap will be added to all your pages true false
xslPath The path to the xsl file used to pimp your sitemap sitemap.xsl will take public/sitemap.xsl

Sitemap tree options

_ These options goes into the sitemapTree object of the plugin options._

The sitemapTree object is "recursive" : children contain other sitemapTree objects which form the tree at the end. There is no depth limit.

Each sitemapTree object leads to one file except in the case where the limit is exceeded, which splits the file.

Required Name Description Default Example
fileName The name of the sitemap file. Should match with this regular expression/.*\.xml$/ sitemap.xml
outputFolder The path to the output folder, from the parent one recipes_sitemaps_folder
xslPath Override the Plugin Option xslPath option recipe-sitemap.xsl
lastmod Value of the \<lastmod> anchor next to the \<loc> one 2022-02-02
children Array of sitemapTree object []
queryName Name of the query from the Plugin Option query option. ( Needed if serializer is defined) MyRecipes
serializer Function that take the raw queryName results data and should return an object with at least a loc attribute. For more detail see XML generation. ( Needed if queryName is defined)
filterPages Function that take the raw queryName results data and should true to keep this node or false to remove this node
xmlAnchorAttributes Attributes to add <?xml {here} ?> version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"
urlsetAnchorAttributes Attributes to add <urlset {here} > xmlns="" xmlns="" xmlns:image="" xmlns:video=""
sitemapindexAnchorAttributes Attributes to add <sitemap {here} > xmlns=""


XML generation

The serializer option should return an object with at least a loc attribute but can return a lot more.

For example we can return

    loc : "/en-us/recipes/margherita",
    lastmod : "2022-02-02T12:00:00.000Z",
    "video:video" : {
        "video:thumbnail_loc" : "",
        "video:title" : "Margherita",
        "video:content_loc" : "",

Which will generate the following xml


As you can see, each attribute will be converted as an xml tag. If the attribute value is an object the algorithm will be recursive