
Research and Dialogue on the Future of Coal


Frontend for build with Gatsby. The data is fetched from a wordpress backend.


  • gatsby-config.js: Contains the site title, the header and footer menu aswell
    as the information which is used to fetch tweets from twitter
  • netlify.toml: Contains the legacy redirects from the old site
  • src/pages: All pages which don't have any parameters (frontpage, overviews ...)
  • src/templates: Pages which have input parameters (finding, publication ...)
  • src/lib: Helper functions, for page creation aswell as publication filtering
  • src/components: All components which are used in pages and templates to render
    the pages. Components are reusable chunks of code.
  • src/tokens.js: Variables for colors, mediaqueries and fonts


Tweets are embedded from the coaltransitions twitter account. ./functions/twitter-timeline.js functions as a proxy, for authentication and data fetching. The function is deployed as an AWS Lambda function by netlify.

Environment variables

WP_ENDPOINT: Wordpress Graphql endpoint
WP_AUTH_USERNAME: Wordpress Basic auth username
WP_AUTH_PASSWORd: Wordpress Basic auth password

// to show recent tweets on the homepage you'll also need

TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY: Twitter consumer key
TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET: Twitter consumer secret
TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN: Twitter access token
TWITTER_ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET: Twitter access token secret

Build status


First you need to install the project dependencies by running

npm run install

Now create a copy of the .env.example file and fill in the environment variables. You should be able to start the development now by running:

npm run develop

This should give you access to localhost:8000 where you can access the development build of the site, with production data.


To fetch the data from the twitter account you also have to boot up the lamda development environment (check the required environment variables mentioned above):

npm run serve-functions

Afterwards you should be able to access localhost:9000.

Gatsby automatically proxies the required requests to the functions server. No additional setup is required.

The twitter search parameters can be found in gatsby-config.js.

Production build

By running npm run build gatsby creates a static version of the site in ./public.

Extracted from project README
Netlify Status