
Companion project for the "Creating a Source Plugin" Gatsby tutorial

MIT License



Companion project for the Creating a Source Plugin Gatsby tutorial.


You'll need to have these tools installed:

  • Node.js (v18 or newer)
  • Git
  • Yarn

You can also follow Part 0: Set Up Your Development Environment for more detailed instructions.


  1. Clone this project
  2. yarn to install dependencies
  3. yarn test to run unit tests
  4. yarn lint:fix to run linting


  1. yarn develop:deps to build & serve the API at http://localhost:4000, and to also watch the source plugin for changes
  2. yarn develop:site in another terminal window to run gatsby develop for the test site

If you make changes to the source plugin you will need to restart the site server to see the changes reflected in the site.


  1. yarn start:api to build and serve the API at http://localhost:4000
  2. yarn build in another terminal window to build the production plugin and site
  3. yarn serve:site to serve the Gatsby site at http://localhost:9000. You should see an overview of all posts

Project structure

This project includes three directories:

  • api is the example mock backend API you will source from
  • plugin is the example source plugin
  • site is the example site

The source plugin consumes the API, and the site uses the source plugin.