
Gatsby remark table of content generator for series

MIT License



This plugin dynamically creates and updates table of content (toc) for all articles in a series.


yarn add gatsby-remark-series


In your gatsby-config.js file

  resolve: "gatsby-transformer-remark",
  options: {
    plugins: [
        resolve: "gatsby-remark-series",
        options: {
          render: {
            // The location where the toc should be rendered.
            // Default: bottom
            // Optional
            placeholder: "both" | "top" | "bottom" | string,

            // Provides a way to customize the output of the toc.
            // Default: check utils/DefaultTemplate for details
            // Optional
            template: (templateContext) => string,

            // Indicates a landing page is required.
            // This will render the toc using template and will generate
            // a landing page for the series with all articles listed.
            // Default: false
            // Optional
            useLandingPage: boolean,

            // This can only be used in conjunction with useLandingPage=true.
            // Provides a way to specify a prefix for the slug of the series.
            // This prefix is independent of the pathPrefix provided by gatsby.
            // Default: null
            // Optional
            landingPagePathPrefix: string,

            // This can only be used in conjunction with useLandingPage=true.
            // Provides the path to the template layout (react component)
            // to be used to render the external toc.
            // This component receives the series articles in the pageContext.
            // For more information please refer to examples/series.jsx
            // Defaults: null
            // Required!
            landingPageComponent: string
          resolvers: {
            // Locates and resolves the slug on the node.
            // Default: node.frontmatter.slug
            // Returns: string
            // Optional
            slug: (markdownNode) => string,

            // Locates and resolves the date on the node.
            // Default:
            // Returns: string
            // Optional
            date: (markdownNode) => string,

            // Locates and resolves the draft flag on the node.
            // Indicates the post is a draft, default behavior is to show the title,
            // but without a link to the post. This can be overridden with a new template.
            // Default: node.frontmatter.draft
            // Returns: boolean
            // Optional
            draft: (markdownNode) => boolean,

            // Locates and resolves the order on the node.
            // Indicates the position of the post in the series.
            // Default: node.frontmatter.order
            // Returns: number
            // Optional
            order: (markdownNode) => number,

            // Locates and resolves the name of the series on the node.
            // Default: node.frontmatter.series
            // Returns: string
            // Optional
            series: (markdownNode) => string,

            // Takes a string and converts it to a slug representation.
            // This is used to calculate the path for the external landing page.
            // In theory, should match the algorithm you are using to generate
            // your urls.
            // Default: converts the string to kebab-case using lodash.kebabCase.
            toSlug: (markdownNode) => string

In your markdown files

title: **article title**
series: **series name**
order: **number**
draft: **true | false**

<!-- **placeholder** -->


  1. series is required to identify the articles.
  2. order and draft are optional, just in case you want to reorder things
    or make people aware there are more articles coming.
  3. A <!-- placeholder --> is only required when the render.placeholder setting
    has a value other than both, top or bottom. In those case, the placeholder has to
    be expressed as a comment in the code using <!-- and -->.


Given the following configuration

  resolve: "gatsby-transformer-remark",
  options: {
    plugins: [
        resolve: "gatsby-remark-series",
        render: {
          placeholder: "toc"

Will turn this

title: My Title
series: CSS and HTML tricks

# My Title

<!-- toc -->


Into this (approximately)

<h1>My Title</h1>

<div class="series-table-of-content">
  <div>Other posts in the CSS and HTML tricks series</div>
    <li><a href="/my-title">My Title</a></li>
    <!-- more <li> with all articles that match the series name -->



  1. The plugin does not provide any default styling for the toc.
  2. The plugin does not provide a default layout for series landing pages, but
    it provides a concrete example in examples/series.jsx


MIT, by Patricio Trevino