
parse org-mode content into AST

MIT License


#+title: Orga #+subtitle: org-mode < JavaScript

  • What Is It

=Orga= is a flexible org-mode syntax parser. It parses org content into AST ([[][Abstract Syntax Tree 🌲]]). And it's written in JavaScript.

  • Why org-mode is simply a superior format than other more popular ones, but it's mostly trapped inside of emacs. It's so good that it was the #1 reason to learn and use emacs for a lot of people (me included). But it's too good to not share with the rest of the world. If it can run in JavaScript, it can run on anything.

  • Compatible Eco-systems It integrates natively with popular tools.

** [[][Unified]]

#+BEGIN_QUOTE ☔️ interface for parsing, inspecting, transforming, and serializing content through syntax trees #+END_QUOTE

The =orga= parser is completely compatible with unified. Which means you get to take advantage of the works of others put into the pipeline. [[][linting for natural language]], [[][correct your writing]], [[][write music]]? etc. Here is [[][an example]].

** [[][Webpack]] =@orgajs/loader= is a webpack loader that made orga native citizen of webpack ecosystem. Coupled with plugins, it works smoothly. Take a look at [[][the example project]].

** [[][React]] #+begin_quote A JavaScript library for building user interfaces #+end_quote

You can render react components directly in your org file. Something like this: #+begin_src org ,* Hello World

Let's render the box.

,#+begin_export jsx

[['s%20render%20the%20box*.%0A%0A%23%2Bbegin_export%20jsx%0A%3Cdiv%20style%3D%7B%7B%0A%20%20backgroundColor%3A%20'gold'%2C%20%0A%20%20padding%3A%20'1em'%2C%0A%20%20border%3A%20'1px%20solid%20black'%2C%0A%20%20boxShadow%3A%20'5px%205px'%0A%7D%7D%3EI%20am%20a%20box%20with%20shadow%3C%2Fdiv%3E%0A%23%2Bend_export%0A][Try it our yourself in the playground]].

** [[][Gatsby]]

#+BEGIN_QUOTE Build blazing fast, modern apps and websites with React #+END_QUOTE

=gatsby-plugin-orga= is a powerful plugin that plug org-mode into gatsby system. This website is built with gatsby and =gatsby-theme-orga-docs= theme. Here is a [[][minimal example project]].

** [[][Nextjs]] #+begin_quote The React Framework #+end_quote

Because orga is native to webpack, it's fairly simply to intergrate with nextjs. [[][Example project]].

  • Examples Take a look at the [[][collection of examples]] to quickly get started.

  • Contribute

See the [[][contributing file]] for ways to get started.