
Small Blog API with Gin and Gorm



Gin Blog API


This a REST API that manages User and Article entities.

It also features a JWT admin authentication.

This API is meant to be consumed by a frontend to give it a graphical interface.


To rebuild this web site the tested Minimum Go Compiler Version is Go 1.19. The site uses the libraries Gin, Gorm and golang-jwt. The Gin Web Server uses the Gorm framework for the database access. At the moment only PostgreSQL is supported as database backend. The server responses are provided as JSON documents.


  • go

The go command will install the dependencies on local user level as they are found in the go.mod file.


  • .env

The a .env file contains the basic configuration for the service. A fallback system looks first for the .env file corresponding to the GIN_MODE like .env.test or .env.debug and then falls back to the default .env file if the dedicated file not exists. The .env_sample can be copied and configured to build a configuration file.


  • go run .

The Site can be launched using the go run command. To launch the Site call the go run command within the project directory:

        go run .


  • API-First Design

To be modular and extendable the API-First design was chosen.

So, this API is meant to be combined with a web site which will give a grafical interface to the information stored in the API.