
BB 🦴 -- backbone zsh prompt -- git



BackBone is a prompt with the bare minimum needed for a working zsh prompt that tracks git changes. BB[^1] is a blazingly fast the roadrunner of the prompts! Be prepared for some Meep! Meep! Moments.

I was in need of a super simple minimal prompt that fulfills my needs. It has to be fast, easy to setup, a single file and have git support with minimal features. Furthermore i ended up building this one.

If you are like me and just looking for a prompt that is "not more than the bare minimum needed" -- Stop looking!

Table of Contents


Clone the repository:

Clone the repository into ~/.config/zsh:

git clone [email protected]:lmllrjr/backbone-zsh-prompt.git ~/.config/zsh/backbone-zsh-prompt

Load the prompt in .zshrc file:

Copy the following lines into your .zshrc file:

# only load prompt if the `bb.zsh` file exists
[ -f $HOME/.config/zsh/backbone-zsh-prompt/bb.zsh ] && \
source $HOME/.config/zsh/backbone-zsh-prompt/bb.zsh

[!TIP] More installation options can be found on the BB Wiki Install page.

Explanation of elements

Colorization options / settings

Option Description Default value Type
BB_PROMPT_DIR The working directory "13" #6c71c4 string
BB_PROMPT_GIT The shown VCS in use (git:()) "10" #586e75 string
BB_PROMPT_BRANCH The git branch name "1" #dc322f string
BB_PROMPT_ACTION The git actions rebase/merge "3" #b58900 string
BB_PROMPT_AHEAD_BEHIND The ahead and behind arrows + counters "4" #2aa198 string
BB_PROMPT_COUNT Changed file count on branch "14" #93a1a1 string
BB_PROMPT_TAG The git tag color (If not empty the git tag is active) "" string
BB_PROMPT_CLOCK The clock (If not empty the clock is active) "" string
BB_PROMPT_PROJECTS_PATH The path of the project folder "${HOME}/code" string
BB_PROMPT_PROJECTS Turn the project folder option on or off true bool
BB_PROMPT_SIGN Set the character of the prompt "%" string

[!TIP] More information on the Projects Path can be found in the wiki!

Example config

Just set the variables in your .zshrc file.

[!IMPORTANT] Make sure to set the vars before actually loading the prompt!


# set vars
export BB_PROMPT_DIR=6
export BB_PROMPT_TAG="blue"
export BB_PROMPT_PROJECTS_PATH="${HOME}/my/projects/path"
export BB_PROMPT_SIGN="$"

# only load prompt if the `bb.zsh` file exists
[ -f $HOME/.config/zsh/backbone-zsh-prompt/bb.zsh ] && \
source $HOME/.config/zsh/backbone-zsh-prompt/bb.zsh

[!NOTE] If you want a fully-fledged prompt you should use one of the more sophisticated projects around github. E.g. Pure ❤️.

[^1]: BackBone zsh prompt