
a basic git repo clone script with pip/editable install support

MIT License



a basic git repo clone script, with special support for pip and/or editable installs, using reorder_editable

This supports running a preinstall (after cloning) or postinstall step (a shell command) as well

For examples of a clone-repos.yaml file this expects at ~/.config/clone-repos.yaml, see:

I also use this to install plugins/addons for things like ranger or todotxt:


Requires python3.9+

To install with pip, run:

pip install cl-repos


Usage: clone-repos [OPTIONS] CONFIG_FILE

  Clones and sets up your repos.

  Can provide a CONFIG_FILE instead of using the default

  -b, --base-repos DIRECTORY   base repository directory to clone repos into
                               [env var: REPOS; required]
  -P, --parse-config           test parsing the config file instead of running
  -B, --break-system-packages  pass the --break-system-packages flag to pip
  --help                       Show this message and exit.

The full format for a repo is:

"url to repository":
  base: path # overwrite base-path for this repo
  dirname: directory_name # directory name to clone into
  symlink_to: directory_name # the parent directory to symlink the cloned repo to
  pip: how # 'install', 'editable' or 'editable_system'
    - "shell command 1"
    - "shell command 2"
  postinstall: "shell command here"
  pipefail: false # if true, stops multiple preinstall/postinstall if any command fails

The preinstall and postinstall scripts can either be one command (a string), or multiple (a list)

For pip, editable by default uses the --user flag, if you know what you're doing and want to install in your system lib directory, use editable_system (Note that this only works in particular python installations. In a lot of cases, pip will still default to installing into your --user directory instead). See reorder_editable for context.

This expects a $REPOS environment variable to be set, which is the base directory to clone into, e.g. in your shell config set:

export REPOS="${HOME}/Repos"

... or you can provide the --base-repos flag when running

To clone, run clone-repos or python3 -m clone_repos

To run this quickly on new machines, I setup an alias in my dotfiles like:

alias cr="pip install cl-repos && clone-repos -B"


git clone ''
cd ./clone-repos
pip install '.[testing]'
flake8 ./clone-repos
mypy ./clone-repos