
Get the current state of any git repository

MIT License



Get the current state of any git repository.


npm install git-state --save


var git = require('git-state')

var path = '/path/to/git/repo'

git.isGit(path, function (exists) {
  if (!exists) return

  git.check(path, function (err, result) {
    if (err) throw err
    console.log(result) // => { branch: 'master',
                        //      ahead: 0,
                        //      dirty: 9,
                        //      untracked: 1,
                        //      stashes: 0 }


isGit(path, callback)

Calls the callback with a boolean which is either true or false depending on if the given path contains a git repository.


Synchronous version of isGit() which returns either true or false depending on if the given path contains a git repository.

check(path[, options], callback)

Will check the state of the git repository at the given path and call the callback. The callback will be called with two arguments: An optional error object and a result object.

The result object contains the following properties:

  • branch - The currently checked out branch
  • ahead - The amount of commits the current branch is ahead of the
    remote (may be NaN if there for instance is no remote)
  • dirty - The number of dirty files
  • untracked - The number of untracked files
  • stashes - The number of stored stashes

Supports the following options:

  • maxBuffer - largest amount of data (in bytes) allowed on stdout or
    stderr - if exceeded child process is killed (default: 200*1024)

checkSync(path[, options])

Synchronous version of check().

Can throw error. This typically happens if you are running a too old version of Node.js (< 0.12), if git isn't found or if the path isn't a git repository.

untracked(path[, options], callback)

Get the amount of untracked files in the git repository at the given path.

The callback will be called with two arguments: An optional error object and a number representing the amount of untracked files.

Supports the following options:

  • maxBuffer - largest amount of data (in bytes) allowed on stdout or
    stderr - if exceeded child process is killed (default: 200*1024)

untrackedSync(path[, options])

Synchronous version of untracked().

Can throw error. This typically happens if you are running a too old version of Node.js (< 0.12), if git isn't found or if the path isn't a git repository.

dirty(path[, options], callback)

Get the amount of dirty files in the git repository at the given path.

The callback will be called with two arguments: An optional error object and a number representing the amount of dirty files.

Supports the following options:

  • maxBuffer - largest amount of data (in bytes) allowed on stdout or
    stderr - if exceeded child process is killed (default: 200*1024)

dirtySync(path[, options])

Synchronous version of dirty() .

Can throw error. This typically happens if you are running a too old version of Node.js (< 0.12), if git isn't found or if the path isn't a git repository.

branch(path[, options], callback)

Get the currently checked out branch in the git repository at the given path.

The callback will be called with two arguments: An optional error object and a string with the branch name.

If the branch name cannot be found, a falsy value will be returned.

Supports the following options:

  • maxBuffer - largest amount of data (in bytes) allowed on stdout or
    stderr - if exceeded child process is killed (default: 200*1024)

branchSync(path[, options])

Synchronous version of branch(). Returns null if no branch is set.

ahead(path[, options], callback)

Get the amount of commits the current branch in the git repository at the given path is ahead of its remote.

The callback will be called with two arguments: An optional error object and a number indicating the amount of commits the branch is ahead of its remote.

If the number cannot be determined, NaN will be returned instead.

Supports the following options:

  • maxBuffer - largest amount of data (in bytes) allowed on stdout or
    stderr - if exceeded child process is killed (default: 200*1024)

aheadSync(path[, options])

Synchronous version of ahead().

If the number cannot be determined, NaN will be returned instead.

commit(path[, options], callback)

Get the short-hash (e.g. 7b0a3ab) for the latest commit at HEAD in the git repository at the given path.

The callback will be called with two arguments: An optional error object and a string containing the short-hash.

Supports the following options:

  • maxBuffer - largest amount of data (in bytes) allowed on stdout or
    stderr - if exceeded child process is killed (default: 200*1024)

commitSync(path[, options])

Synchronous version of commit().

Can throw error. This typically happens if you are running a too old version of Node.js (< 0.12), if git isn't found or if the path isn't a git repository.

stashes(path[, options], callback)

Get the amount of stashed changes in the git repository at the given path.

The callback will be called with two arguments: An optional error object and a number representing the amount of stashed changes.

Supports the following options:

  • maxBuffer - largest amount of data (in bytes) allowed on stdout or
    stderr - if exceeded child process is killed (default: 200*1024)

stashesSync(path[, options])

Synchronous version of stashes().

Can throw error. This typically happens if you are running a too old version of Node.js (< 0.12), if git isn't found or if the path isn't a git repository.

message(path[, options], callback)

Get the commit message of the latest commit.

The callback will be called with two arguments: An optional error object and a string containing the commit message.

messageSync(path[, options])

Synchronous version of message().

Can throw error. This typically happens if you are running a too old version of Node.js (< 0.12), if git isn't found or if the path isn't a git repository.

Shell implementation

Inside the bin folder is a set of shell scripts which will perform the same checks as the isGit() and check() functions, but just in pure bash. This allows you for instance to modify your command prompt without having to invoke node (which can be kind of slow if done at every request). In fact this is exactly what the git-ps1 module does for you.

  • bin/isgit - exit code will be 0 if cwd is inside a git repo,
    otherwise 1
  • bin/ahead - exit code will be 0 if result is 0, otherwise 1
  • bin/branch - exit code will be 0 if result is master, otherwise 1
  • bin/dirty - exit code will be 0 if result is 0, otherwise 1
  • bin/untracked - exit code will be 0 if result is 0, otherwise 1
  • bin/stashes - exit code will be 0 if result is 0, otherwise 1
  • bin/commit - exit code will be 0 if a commit can be found, otherwise 1
