
git repository information in tmux environment variables



This tmux plugin sets some tmux environment variables with information about the current git repository. It is based of tmux-gitbar, but gives the user more freedom to create his own statusbar with the variables.


Install this plugin with tpm.

set -g @plugin '0phoff/gitmux'



In your tmux config, you can use the following variables

  • GITMUX_SCRIPT : Path to the update script (This is a global tmux variable, access it with tmux showenv -g)
  • GITMUX_REPO : This value is non-zero if the current pane is in a git repository
  • GITMUX_BRANCH : Name of the current branch
  • GITMUX_REMOTE : Name of the tracking branch (0 if none)
  • GITMUX_COMMITS_AHEAD : Number of commits the current branch is ahead of the remote tracking branch
  • GITMUX_COMMITS_BEHIND : Number of commits the current branch is behind of the remote tracking branch
  • GITMUX_STAGED : Number of files that are staged for the next commit
  • GITMUX_CHANGED : Number of files that have changed since last commit (but not staged)
  • GITMUX_UNTRACKED : Number of untracked files
  • GITMUX_STASHED : Number of stashes
  • GITMUX_CONFLICTS : Number of files with conflicts
  • GITMUX_CLEAN : This value is 1 when there are no files untracked,changed or staged, no stashes and no conflicts


If you want to update your statusbar whenever you save a file in Vim, add the following line to your vim config:

autocmd BufWritePost * silent! !eval $(tmux display -p "#{GITMUX_SCRIPT}")


Alternative for neovim, that uses the jobcontrol feature to run the command asynchronously (and thus does not block the editor whilst running the command)

autocmd BufWritePost * silent! jobstart(['bash', '-c', 'eval $(tmux display -p "#{GITMUX_SCRIPT}")'])


If you use the PROMPT_COMMAND variable in your terminal configuration, be sure to have it in this format:

PROMPT_COMMAND=" your_functions_here ;$PROMPT_COMMAND"

NOTE: Some distributions like ubuntu, reset the $PROMPT_COMMAND upon loading a terminal, which causes this plugin to fail. If the plugin does not seem to update when you enter a git repository check the files /etc/bash.bashrc and /etc/profile and all the files they source. Eg. for ubuntu, you need to comment out the following line, at the end of the file /etc/profile.d/

[ -n "$BASH_VERSION" ] && PROMPT_COMMAND="__vte_prompt_command"


Here is an example of how I use this plugin to show information on my status bar.

# Shorted version, only important parts are shown
set -g status-right '#{?GITMUX_REPO,#[fg=red]#{GITMUX_UNTRACKED} #[fg=yellow]#{GITMUX_CHANGED} #[fg=green]#{GITMUX_STAGED} #[fg=white] #[fg=green]#{GITMUX_COMMITS_AHEAD} #[fg=red]#{GITMUX_COMMITS_BEHIND} #[fg=white]  #{GITMUX_BRANCH} , }'

# Actual full version of the statusline I use
set -g status-right '#{?GITMUX_REPO,#[fg=brightblack]#[bg=black]#[fg=white]#[bg=brightblack] #[fg=red]#{GITMUX_UNTRACKED} #[fg=yellow]#{GITMUX_CHANGED} #[fg=green]#{GITMUX_STAGED} #[fg=white] #[fg=green]#{GITMUX_COMMITS_AHEAD} #[fg=red]#{GITMUX_COMMITS_BEHIND} #[fg=white] #{?GITMUX_REMOTE, #{GITMUX_BRANCH},#[fg=red] #[fg=white]#{GITMUX_BRANCH}} #[fg=black], }#[fg=blue,bg=black]#[fg=black,bg=blue] #U  #H '


Please report bugs and file issues with possible improvements. If you used this plugin, feel free to share the code and a screenshot of it, so I can add it to the README.