
a super simple cross-platform command line note taking application that makes life much more easier

MIT License


a super simple cross-platform command line note taking application that makes life much more easier

What exactly is gitn ?

  • If you work on CLI a lot and don't want to waste your time managing your notes from anywhere but the command line
  • gitn follows the same commands as git and so there is nothing new to know or learn. Just install and use.

Installation and Usage

>>> npm install -g gitn 

>>> gitn config -g '/absolute/path/to/your/notes/directory/where-gitn-will-save-notes'

>>> gitn --help  // to know all the commands that gitn offers 

What you mean exactly by similar to git ?

  • Firstly dont confuse gitn for some Version Control System . It follows same commands as git and is a powerful notes manager for folks who ❤️ CLI but apart from it , it is not related to vcs.
  • This illustration will make it much more clear on how commands for gitn are similar to git and what it means when you create a branch/commit in gitn

Now, have a look at the gitn commands ( same as git isn't it ?)

Simple Internals

  • gitn maintains a root directory (which you specify using gitn config -g <absolute-path-to-root-directory>) for your notes and maintains text files for your branches in this root directory.
  • This makes it easy to access the notes through any text editor in case you need to.
  • In case you don't feel like using gitn anymore, just uninstall it. Your notes are always there.
  • Have a look at it in this pic (root directory with .txt files )


As of now, gitn supports the following commands

  • gitn config - to update configuration parameters
  • gitn status - to see which branch user is currently on
  • gitn commit - to add a new commit (aka note) to the branch user is currently on
  • gitn log - to view all commits (allows for searching using grep)
  • gitn branch - to view/create/delete branches(aka text-files)
  • gitn checkout - to switch to a different branch ( use -b flag to create and switch)
  • gitn rebase - select specific commits to be deleted from current branch
  • gitn reset - to delete all commits from current branch
  • gitn merge - to merge two branches (and their commits) onto a single branch


  • git like command line API (version 0.1.0)
  • allow for notes searching using words or RegEx
  • allow for users to encrypt notes
  • add date to each note to allow for date based searching
  • allow for adding notes to any directory using git init and git add commands
  • and many many more . Make an issue if you think a feature is cool enough to be added to gitn

Developed and Maintained By

  • Pranav Gupta
  • If you like it, consider ⭐ ing this repo 😄