
Interactive git commands using fzf, available as zsh plugin

MIT License



igit - interactive git command using fzf



With zinit

zinit light ytakahashi/igit

# or
# zinit load ytakahashi/igit

With zplug 🌺

zplug "ytakahashi/igit"


Clone this repository and load igit.plugin.zsh from .zshrc

source /path/to/igit.plugin.zsh


igit [command]

command: add, branch, cherry-pick, delete, diff, log, merge, stash, switch, tag, revert

Basic usage

Basic operation on fzf window.

Key                                           Description          
Ctrl+j/n       Move cursor down      
Ctrl+k/p     Move cursor up       
Ctrl+c/g or Esc Exit                

igit specific operation on fzf window.

Key                     Description          
Ctrl+s  See selected file/branch/commit    
Alt+ key   Put git command using selected file/branch/commit onto the editing buffer stack

igit help

Show available commands.

igit add

Show current status and add selected files.

Key                                           Description          
Ctrl+i or Tab Mark/Unmark files    
Alt+a                  Add selected files    

igit branch

Show local and remote branchs.

Key                                     Description          
Alt+d               Delete selected branch              
Alt+s             Switch to selected branch                
Alt+m             Merge selected branch into current branch

igit cherry-pick

Show commit log and cherry-pick selected commit.

Key                                     Description          
Enter               Cherry-pick the commit

igit delete

Show branches and delete selected branch(es).

Key                                     Description         
Enter               Delete the branch(es)

igit diff

Shows current status and see diff of selected file.

igit log

Show log of branch.  

Key                                     Description            
Alt+h               Reset (hard) to the commit 
Alt+m               Reset (mixed) to the commit 
Alt+s               Reset (soft) to the commit 

igit stash

Show stashes.

Key                                     Description                
Alt+a               Apply selected stash        
Alt+d               Drop selected stash         

igit tag

Show tags.

Key                                     Description                
Ctrl+s              Show selected tag      
Alt+c               Show diff between the tags 
Alt+p               Push the tag to origin     
Alt+s               Switch to selected tag     

Key Bingings

Following key bindings are available.

Key                                           Command          
Ctrl+g Ctrl+a   igit add       
Ctrl+g Ctrl+b   igit branch    
Ctrl+g Ctrl+l igit log       
Ctrl+g Ctrl+m igit merge       
Ctrl+g Ctrl+s  igit switch