
Sexy commits using


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Sexy commits using your config from package.json.

Uses gitmoji mapping config from your package.json and inquirer to prompt you for what you did and a brief explanation (used as commit message).

  "gitmoji": {
    "build": [
      "Make architectural changes"
    "ci": [
      "Add or update CI build system"
    "chore": [
      "Boring chores"

This is how it works

Add npm script

Add npm script commit that runs sexy-commits.

  "scripts": {
    "commit": "sexy-commits"

Run the script

npm run commit

Select what you did

Enter a short summary

With arguments

You can also call run sexy-commitswith args.

npm run commit [add] [type] [message]

Where [add] is what do add - either allor a pattern, and [type] is what kind of change you did (depends on your gitmoji config).

Example 1

You did a fix and want to commit all changes:

npm run commit all fix

Example 2

You did a style adjustment and want to commit only what's in the theme folder.

npm run commit style theme "updated dark theme"

Alias support

With v0.3.1we introduces alias support. Add a third element to your gitmoji config which is an array of aliases. Here you can see we mapped build to ci and boringand choresto chore.

  "gitmoji": {
    "ci": [
      "Add or update CI build system",
    "chore": [
      "Boring chores",
      ["boring", "chores"]

Example 1

You can now do the following:

npm run commit boring "it's so boring to use regular git commits"

Auto push

You can auto push your changes by setting SEXY_COMMITS_AUTO_PUSH to 1 in your .env file.

Add skip ci tag

If you want to add skip ci tag to your commit, set the SEXY_COMMITS_SKIP_CI_TAG variable in your .env file.



Lint your changes before commiting

By specifying SEXY_COMMITS_LINT_CMD in your .env file, we can lint your changes before commiting (e.g. with ESLint).


SEXY_COMMITS_LINT_CMD=npm run-script lint


Working with issues

You can automatically tag and/or close issues automatically when commiting with sexy-commits.

By specifying SEXY_COMMITS_ISSUE_REF in your .env file, the commit will automatically tag the issue. Do not specify the issue number with the #.

By also providing SEXY_COMMITS_FIXES_ISSUE, the issue will automatically be closed when commiting.