
A simple Git tag-based versioning plugin

OTHER License



simplversion is a simple Git-based versioning plugin.

This plugin is meant for maintainer-controlled versioning -- releases are only published on tagged commits (without any uncommitted changes). This gives flexibility to the maintainer in making releases, as opposed to a more automated versioning setup which builds and publishes all commits as releases.

The version calculated by this plugin is based on Git tags, and tries its best to be compatible with the Semantic Versioning specification, v2.0.0. A notable caveat is that pre-release versions have both the pre-release version and the -SNAPSHOT suffix in the full version.


This plugin is available on the Gradle Plugin Portal; you do not need to add an additional repository.

Apply the dev.sciwhiz12.gradle.simplversion plugin:

plugins {
    id 'dev.sciwhiz12.gradle.simplversion' version '0.2.0' // Replace version with the latest release

Configure the versions extension, and configure your project to use the version from the extension:

versions {
    // Defaults included with the plugin, do not include unless customizing
    stripBranchPrefix = true
    incrementPositionIfSnapshot(-2) // Second to last version: #.#.(#).#
    skipIncrementForClassifiers('alpha', 'beta', 'pre', 'rc')

// Set project version
version = versions.version

Optionally, if publishing: Configure the publication to use the simple version from the extension:

publishing {
    publications {
        mavenJava { // Example publication
            // ...
            version = versions.simpleVersion



By default, the following configuration options are set:

  • The branch name is stripped from the raw version.

  • No dirty workspace prefix is configured.

  • The second-to-last position in the raw version is incremented for snapshot versions.

  • The snapshot increment is skipped when the following classifiers (prefixed with a -) are found in the raw version: alpha, beta, pre, and rc.

    For example, 1.3.0-beta, 2.4.6-rc2, and 5.0.0-pre7 will not be incremented, even if it is a snapshot version.

Some terms used in the plugin:

  • raw version: the version as taken from the nearest reachable tag, after stripping the branch and custom prefixes and removing parts that match the stripping pattern

  • full version or simply version: the raw version and any calculated classifiers

  • classifiers: when part of the raw version, any text after the first hyphen (-). when part of the full version, metadata calculated by the plugin that is separated from the raw version with a hyphen (-).

    Classifiers currently used by the plugin are as follows:

    • -SNAPSHOT - a Maven-recognized version classifier/suffix that is appended for snapshot versions
    • +<commit ID> - the abbreviated commit ID, separated using a plus sign as indicated in SemVer 2.0.0, when
      not in a detached HEAD state
    • the configured dirty workspace suffix

versions extension

The versions project-level extension configures the plugin and provides the calculated version information. The extension's class is VersionExtension, and the version information is represented by the VersionInformation class. For additional details, consult the documented source code.

Version stripping

This plugin is configured to strip parts of the raw version based on a mix of configuration from the user and hardcoded defaults. Stripping is done in four parts:

  • First, the branch name prefix, separated from the rest of the raw version with a hyphen (-) or forward slash (/), is removed when the extension is configured to do so through the stripBranchPrefix boolean property.

  • Second, any custom prefixes, separated from the rest of the raw version with a hyphen (-) or forward slash (/), are removed according to the customPrefixes string list property.

  • Third, the stripping pattern is matched against the raw version and any matching parts are removed, as configured by the stripPattern regular expression pattern property.

    It should be noted that only the parts matched by the pattern are removed. When creating the pattern, users should take care to include any separator between the parts and the rest of the raw version. Users should also use the line start boundary matcher (^) if they are stripping out a prefix, to ensure no accidental removals in the middle of the raw version happen.

  • Fourth, the v prefix is removed from the raw version if present.

Positional increment

Snapshot versions may be configured to increment an integer position in the raw version. This allows in-development versions to attempt to match to the next likely version to be released.

The snapshotIncrementPosition integer property (which can be set using the incrementPositionIfSnapshot method) configures the position to be incremented. Positions are counted by separating the raw version into parts by first taking the part of the raw version before any hyphens (-), plus signs (+), or underscores (_), then splitting that into parts based on the dot/period (.).

For example, the version will be first cleaned up into, and then split into four parts: 1, 2, 5, and 3.

The values of the property are interpreted as follows:

  • A value of zero means no increment will be done.
  • A positive value means the position starting from the beginning of the version is incremented. In the above example,
    a value of 2 would mean the second position would be incremented: 2 becomes 3.
  • A negative value means the position starting from the end of the version is incremented. In the above example, a value
    of -2 would mean the second-to-last (third) position would be incremented: 5 becomes 6.

Skipping the increment

The skipIncrement predicate allows customizing when the above incrementing behavior is skipped for certain snapshot versions. The predicate is provided with a VersionInformation encapsulating the current version information, with the notable caveat that it is not the final version information, as the raw version contains the version before any increment and the classifiers do not contain the -SNAPSHOT suffix.

For convenience, the skipIncrementForClassifiers method is provided to configure a predicate which skips the increment if any of the given classifiers (along with a - prepended before them) are found anywhere in the raw version. For example, passing in pre would mean it would look for the string -pre in any place of the raw version.

Dirty workspace suffix

The dirtySuffix string property configures a suffix to be appended if the current workspace is dirty -- if there are any uncommitted (including untracked) changes. This may be useful in ensuring that any artifacts built from a dirty workspace are appropriately marked in their filename, reducing possible confusion. For example, a dirty suffix of .dirty in a workspace on a commit tagged 1.5.0 and commit afbc345 would result in a full version of 1.5.0+afbc345.dirty.

Reading the version programmatically

The version information is available through the extension's versionInfo property, as a provider. The provider's value is calculated once on the first query to the provider , and all properties in the extension are finalized once the version is calculated. For convenience, the properties available on the VersionInformation object are available on the VersionExtension as well, which call the provider and retrieve the corresponding property.

  • version - the full version
  • rawVersion - the raw version, without any classifiers
  • simpleVersion - the simple version, which is composed of the raw version and the -SNAPSHOT classifier for a
    snapshot version
  • snapshot - a boolean for whether it is a snapshot version
  • classifiers - the classifiers, as a string which can be appended to the raw version (forming the full version)
  • fullCommitId - the full SHA-1 (or SHA-256) ID of the commit, in lowercase hexadecimal
  • abbreivatedCommitId - the abbreviated SHA-1 (or SHA-256) ID of the commit, in lowercase hexadecimal
    • This is unambiguous in the repository as of the time of calculation, and no guarantees are made about its minimum
      or maximum length. However, it will almost always be considerably shorter than the full ID, and is more suitable for
      filenames and other length-restricted names.
  • commitTimestamp - the timestamp of the commit, in ISO-8601 extended offset date-time format (1970-01-01T00:00:00+00:00)


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE.txt file for the full license text.