
My system configuration (things like: ZSH, Vim, Git, Ruby, Rust and others).



These dotfiles contain configuration and installation for:

  • Xcode
  • Homebrew
  • iTerm
  • Zsh
  • Dotfiles
  • VIM (Neovim and MacVim)
  • chruby and ruby-install
  • rustup and Rust
  • Hammerspoon
  • Misc. Utilities

This setup is intended for the latest macOS version


This is a step-by-step installation guide.


Install Xcode through the Mac App Store.

Then run:

xcode-select --install

Dotfiles installation

Next, clone this Git repository, initialize/update the submodules and finally hook everything up by running the install script.

mkdir $HOME/tombruijn
git clone git:// $HOME/tombruijn/dotfiles
cd $HOME/tombruijn/dotfiles && git submodule init && \
  git submodule update --recursive

This should set up the symlinks from the dotfiles directory to your $HOME directory, do not remove the dotfiles directory.

macOS defaults

Set macOS defaults.



Next, install Homebrew using the command listed on the website.

After installing Homebrew, ensure permissions are correct by running the following.

brew bundle


Private credentials

To configure credentials that shouldn't be checked into git, create a ~/.extra file like the example below.



Now refresh you shell sessions either by opening a new pane or by running reload.

GPG configuration

Transfer your ~/.gnupg directory to the new machine. You need the following files:


Fix the permissions of this directory after the move.

chmod 600 ~/.gnupg/*
chmod 700 ~/.gnupg


To install fzf, use the install script listed in brew info fzf after installing it through brew install fzf.

Say yes to "fuzzy auto-completion" and "key bindings".


Install Neovim.

# Should be installed through the Brewfile, but to do so manually:
brew install neovim

# Additional packages
# Ruby package for neovim
gem install neovim
# Python package for Python bindings (Python is used by UltiSnips)
pip2 install --upgrade neovim

Use vim-plug to install vim plugins.

vim +:PlugInstall


For neovim to pick up Python support Python and the neovim package need to be installed.

pyenv install <latest python version>
pyenv global <latest python version>
pip install --upgrade pip # Updating is just good practice
pip install neovim

chruby and ruby-install

ruby-install ruby [VERSION]

Rust and rustup

Install rustup and with it Rust.

Which Rust version to install depends on the project you're working on.