
📦 Top-level Flake for Applications and Libraries Packaged for Nix

GPL-3.0 License


📦 Tsutsumi

Top-level Flake for Applications and Libraries Packaged for Nix

Test out any of these applications without installing anything permanently by running nix run github:Fuwn/tsutsumi#rui. (or any other package in place of rui, continued)


  • bollux - Command-line Gemini browser
    written in Bash
  • cynic-cli - CLI for
    Cynic, the code first GraphQL client for Rust
  • peerflix - Command-line streaming
    BitTorrent client
  • wakatime-ls
    - Language server for Wakatime
  • ahoviewer - GTK image viewer,
    manga reader, and booru browser
  • BindToInterface
    (bindtointerface) - Bind applications to a specific network
    interface/network adapter
  • cargo-clean-all - Recursively
    clean all Cargo projects in a given directory that match the specified criteria
  • chan-downloader - CLI to
    download all images/webms in a 4chan thread
  • code-stats-ls - Language
    server for Code::Stats
  • gigi - Finger protocol server
  • git-sumi - Non-opinionated Rust-based
    commit message linter
  • Maple - Static Gemini server with Titan support
  • Mayu - Moe-Counter compatible website hit
    counter written in Gleam
  • html2md - Command-line HTML to Markdown converter
  • Lilipod - Simple container manager
  • Private Internet Access
    (private-internet-access) - Private Internet Access VPN binaries and
    configuration files
  • Rui (rui) - Personal NixOS flake manager
  • suzuri - Command-line interface to sumi.news
  • swaddle - swayidle inhibitor when
    watching content or listening to audio
  • t - Command-line TODO list manager for
    people that want to finish tasks, not organize them
  • Thorium (thorium) - Fast and secure browser that
    uses modern CPU flags and LLVM optimizations
  • Yae (yae) - Nix Dependency Manager
  • Yaak (yaak) - API client for modern developers
  • Zen Browser (zen-browser-bin) - Firefox based
    browser with a focus on privacy and customisation (alpha release)
  • Zen Browser (zen-browser-twilight-bin) Firefox based
    browser with a focus on privacy and customisation (twilight release)


Add to Flake Inputs (for Flakes Users)

  inputs.tsutsumi = {
    url = "github:Fuwn/tsutsumi";
    inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; # Recommended

Add to System or Home Manager Packages

# For flakes users
inputs.tsutsumi.packages.${pkgs.system}.rui # Or any other package

# For non-flakes users
(import (
  pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
    owner = "Fuwn";
    repo = "tsutsumi";
    rev = "...";  # Use the current commit revision hash
    hash = "..."; # Use the current commit sha256 hash
)).packages.${builtins.currentSystem}.rui # Or any other package

Use as a Nix Packages Overlay

Overlaying Tsutsumi allows you to simplify the mass installation of Tsutsumi packages. For example, inputs.tsutsumi.packages.${pkgs.system}.rui becomes pkgs.tsutsumi.rui.

import nixpkgs {
  system = "your_system_attribute";

  overlays = [
    (_: _: {
      tsutsumi = inputs.tsutsumi.packages.${system};

Binary Cache

To speed up the consumption of Tsutsumi packages, add the Tsutsumi binary cache to your NixOS configuration.

nix.settings = {
  substituters = [ "https://tsutsumi.cachix.org" ];

  trusted-public-keys = [

Nix Run With Binary Cache

Replace rui with any other package name made available by Tsutsumi.

nix run github:Fuwn/tsutsumi#rui \
  --extra-substituters "https://tsutsumi.cachix.org" \
  --extra-trusted-public-keys "tsutsumi.cachix.org-1:MojIlGI60CT5EoyuTgjB4VRVgf/uUvakZVWoYJThQNk="


This flake includes a modified version of zen-browser-bin from MordragT/nixos, which is licensed under the MIT License.


This project is licensed with the GNU General Public License v3.0.