
🤖 [Community Project] - Prune old images on GitHub and GitLab container registry

MIT License


➤ Getting Started

If you want contribute on this project, first you need to make a git clone:

git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/ci-monk/drprune.git -b main

This will give you access to the code on your local machine.

➤ Usage


Environment Description
GH_USERNAME GitHub User/Organization Name
GH_CONTAINER GitHub Container Name
GL_NAMESPACE GitLab Namespace



drprune gh images -t $GH_TOKEN -n <username> -c <container-name>
drprune gh insights -t $GH_TOKEN -n <username>


drprune gl images -t $GL_TOKEN -ns <namespace>
drprune gl insights -t $GL_TOKEN -ns <namespace>


GitHub Actions

GitLab CI

➤ Installation

with go:

# if you cannot install directly, try following command,
# then input install command again
go get -u github.com/lpmatos/drprune/cmd/drprune

# or
go get -v ./...
go run ./cmd/drprune/main.go --help

with brew:

brew tap ci-monk/tools
brew install drprune

➤ Concepts


Cobra is a CLI framework for Golang. Using it you can speed up your development and creating a powerful and modern CLI application. Cobra is built on a structure of commands, arguments and flags:

  • Commands represent actions.
  • Args are things.
  • Flags are modifiers for those actions.

The best applications will read like sentences when used. Users will know how to use the application because they will natively understand how to use it. This pattern is: APPCLI VERB NOUN --ADJECTIVE or APPCLI COMMAND ARG --FLAG.


Command is the central point of the application. Each interaction thar the application supports will be contained in a command. We can create commands with children commands and optionally run an action. In the example above, server is the command.


A flag is a way to modify the behavior of a command. Cobra supports fully POSIX-compliant flags as well the Go flag package. A Cobra command can define flags that persist through to children commands and flags that are only available to that command. In the example above, port is the flag.

➤ Learnings

  • Create a Golang CLI application.
  • Create a multistage Golang Dockerfile.
  • Create a docker-compose file with waiting entrypoint.
  • Setup a Golang Releaser publish pipeline using github actions.
  • Understand how GiHub works with packages.
  • Understand how GitLab works with packages.
  • Handler operations in GitHub API to delete container images using a SDK.
  • Handler operations in GitLab API to delete container images using a SDK.

➤ Links

➤ Versioning

To check the change history, please access the CHANGELOG.md file.

➤ Project status

The project is currently being updated! 👾

➤ Donations

If my work has impacted your life in a positive way and you'd like to buy me a coffee (or a hundred), that'd be much appreciated!

➤ Show your support

Give me a ⭐️ if this project helped you!

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