
A typescript library to transform event payloads (in json format) to standard jsons or chat client platform specific jsons (e.g. Slack and Teams) using templates (e.g. handlebars)

MIT License



A typescript library to transform event payloads (in json format) to standard jsons or chat client platform specific jsons (e.g. Slack and Teams) using templates (e.g. handlebars, liquid)

⚠️ NOTE: this module is currently in active development and no stable build has been released as of now, any api may be changed without notice.


This node module enables you to convert any data payload into any other form using templates. This module currently supports two templating languages: Handlebars and liquid. The module gives the capability of loading templates either from a public repo in Github or use the inbuilt ones.

Table of contents


The dynamic-template-engine module uses a TransformerConfig to load up the templates and precomiple them with the correct language on the setup call. After the setup the templating functionality can be used by calling the correct transformer class. The templates should be in the same directory structure as mentioned here

Understanding the TransformerConfig

The TransformerConfig.json is the file that allows you to load different templates for different tasks. Following is an example TransformConfig.json

      "SourceType": "IssueOpened", // Source type can be any string 
      "ClientType": "Teams", // Has to be an ClientType value currently only Teams is supported
      "TemplateType": "HandleBars", // Has to be TemplateType enum value, currently HandleBars and Liquid are the two supported 
      "TemplateName": "issue_opened.handlebars" // name of the template file 
      "SourceType": "IssueReopened",
      "ClientType": "Teams",
      "TemplateType": "HandleBars",
      "TemplateName": "issue_reopened.handlebars"
      "SourceType":"IssueOpened",// Source type can be any string
      "TemplateType":"HandleBars",// Has to be TemplateType enum value, currently HandleBars and Liquid are the two supported 
      "TemplateName":"issue_opened.handlebars" // name of the template file 

Template Directory Structure

The templates should reside in a following directory structure for the module to be able to pick them properly

// TransformerConfig should reside at same level as the CardTemplate and EventTransformer folder
// Card templates 
CardTemplate ---> Teams  ---> HandleBars ---> {template file(s)}
                         ---> Liquid ---> {template file(s)}
// Event Transformer templates
EventTransformer ---> HandleBars ---> {template file(s)}
                 ---> Liquid ---> {template file(s)}


Three main classes that are exported out of the module are TemplateManager, CardRenderer and EventTransformer, to import the same use:

import { CardRenderer, TemplateManager, EventTransformer } from 'dynamic-template-engine';


Before you can use the functionality of combining templates with a data model to produce result documents. You need to first setup the all the templates using the TemplateManager. To setup the templates use the following code:

// To pick templates from a repo
TemplateManager.setupTemplateConfigurationFromRepo(repoName, branch, configName);

// To pick up inbuilt templates 
TemplateManager.setupTemplateConfiguration(filePath); // file path of the config, needs to be absolute path
// example of how to give absolute path 
TemplateManager.setupTemplateConfiguration(path.resolve(__dirname, 'relative/path/of/config/file')); // relative to the current file calling the setupTemplateConfiguration method

Note: If you choose to use your own repo for picking template use the same strucutre for the template repo as mentioned inTemplate Directory Structure . The structure of the repo should be same as mentioned.

Registering custom helpers and tags

Custom helpers and tags can be registered with the templating engine for some are all languages during the setup call. To register the custom helpers and/or tags custom templating options can be provided to the setup call, carrying one or more of the tags or helpers to register. Following example depicts how one can register helpers and/or tags.

await TemplateManager.setupTemplateConfiguration(
      path.resolve(__dirname, 'MockTemplate/MockTransformerConfig.json'),
// templating options contain the custom helpers and or tags 
templatingOptions: CustomTemplatingOptions= {
  engineOptions: [{
    templateType: TemplateType.Liquid, // specifies for which language the helpers and/or tags are
    customHelpers: {
      'upperCaseTest': (str: string) => { return str.toUpperCase() }, // custom helpers: key will be used as the name to register 
      'lowerCaseTest': (str: string) => { return str.toLowerCase() }
    customTags: { // custom tags: key used to register the tags, and the following tag options should match the requirement of the template language specifications
      'upperTest': {
        parse: function(this: any,tagToken: any, remainTokens: any): void {
          this.str1 = tagToken.args;
        render: function(this:any, scope: any, hash: any): string {
          let str = scope.environments[this.str1];
          return str.toUpperCase(); 

Note: Custom helper syntax and custom tag syntax may vary based on the templating language, make sure to verify the correct syntax for the templating language. All languages might not support helpers and/or tags in such a case trying to register will lead to a FunctionalityNotSupported error. Ex. Handlebars does not support custom tags, trying to register custom tags with handlebars will throw FunctionalityNotSupported error.

Using the templating functionality

To use the templates to combine with the data model use following code:

// To use the card renderer templates from the TransformerConfig.json
// TemplateType is an enum exported by the module currently only Handlebars and Liquid are supported
// ClientType is an enum exported by the module currently only Teams is supported
// SourceType can be any string, but has to be registered in the TransformerConfig.json
// DataJson needs to be a json that the intended template can understand
const cardRenderer = new CardRenderer();
const renderedTemplate = await cardRenderer.ConstructCardJson(templateType, sourceType, clientType, dataJson);

// To use the event transformer templates from the TransformerConfig.json
// TemplateType is an enum exported by the module currently only Handlebars and Liquid are supported
// SourceType can be any string, but has to be registered in the TransformerConfig.json
// evetJson needs to be a json that the intended template can understand
const eventTransformer = new EventTransformer();
const renderedTemplate = await evenTransformer.ConstructEventJson(templateType,sourceType, eventJson);


Current features supported are:

  • Picking templates from a separate public repo.
  • Picking up two different types of templates: namely Liquid and Handlebars.
  • Two seperate groups of templates: card renderers and event transformers.
  • Registering your own custom helpers and tags, to be used with your templates

Features not supported yet, but planned:

  • Partial template support.

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The project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

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Package Rankings
Top 18.84% on Npmjs.org
Extracted from project README
License: MIT