
The Ruby Gem that Powers Entitlements - GitHub's Identity and Access Management System

MIT License



entitlements-app is a Ruby gem which provides git-managed LDAP group configuration and access provisioning to your declared resources. It powers Entitlements, GitHub's internal Identity and Access Management (IAM) system. Entitlements is a pluggable system designed to alleviate IAM pain points.

Quick Start

See getting started for quick start, and entitlements-config for example configuration.


Entitlements currently supports a single input option of configuration files in the form of .txt, .rb and .yaml.

Git-managed config

Entitlements receives input from configuration files. By using git to back the config files, every file has a complete and visible audit trail.

See configuration for a complete guide on entitlements configuration.

Populating config from a source of truth

Entitlements requires an initial Org Chart configuration to define all of the valid users available to the system.

See orgchart for a complete guide to configuring your org chart data.



Entitlements allows for metadata tags which can be used to indicate attributes of the entitlements config other than membership. These metadata tags can be used to build additional automation on top of the Entitlements system.

For examples of ways to leverage metadata tags, see metadata


Entitlements allows for expirations at the file level and the user/group level.

See expirations for more on expirations.


Entitlements supports a concept of filters. This allows you to group employees defined in your org chart by classifications, and require explicit access definitions for those employee classifications.

For examples on filters, see filters


There is an example configuration repo here



Out of the box, Entitlements will output your sets to LDAP.

See the OpenLDAP documentation for more on LDAP.


Entitlements is a pluggable system. Plugins can be built for additional inputs and outputs.

For more on building plugins, see plugins


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


We take security very seriously. Please see SECURITY for details on how to proceed if you find a security issue.

Release 🚀

To release a new version of this Gem, do the following:

  1. Update the version number in the lib/version.rb file
  2. Run bundle install to update the Gemfile.lock file with the new version
  3. Commit your changes, push them to GitHub, and open a PR

Once your PR is approved and the changes are merged, a new release will be created automatically by the release.yml workflow. The latest version of the Gem will be published to the GitHub Package Registry and RubyGems.