
Collection of powerful aliases to speed up interactions with GitHub issues, PRs and more! 🚀

APACHE-2.0 License



Collection of powerful aliases combining gh and fzf to speed up interactions with GitHub. It's purpose is to be a CLI clone of and and it can be so much more!.

Try them out and you won't live without them anymore



You can directly download the ghfused.source and save it in some directory.


curl -LO

then add to your .bashrc/.zshrc file:

[ -f <path-to>/ghfused.source ] && source <path-to>/ghfused.source

Alternatively you can install ghfused using the ZSH plugin manager of your choice.


Usage of ghfused aliases (you can check them by running ghhelp once installed)

Usage of ghfused aliases

Collection of powerful aliases to speed up interactions with GitHub
Find more information at

# [ghspr] Fuzzy searches for pull requests and allows the user to open them in a web browser.
# [ghpr] Search for open pull requests created by the current user.
# [ghpra] Search for open pull requests assigned to the current user.
# [ghprm] Search for open pull requests with mentions of the current user.
# [ghrr] Search for open pull requests with review requests wanted from the current user.
# [gshi] Fuzzy searches for issues and allows the user to open them in a browser
# [ghi] Search for open issues created by the current user.
# [ghia] Search for open issues assigned to the current user.
# [ghim] Search for open issues with mentions of the current user.
# [ghsr] Fuzzy searches for repositories and allows the user to open them in a browser
# [ghhelp] show this help message


Github Search enchanced!

The three aliases

  • ghspr ([gh]ithub [s]earch [p]ull [r]equest)
  • ghsi ([gh]ithub [s]earch [i]ssue)
  • ghsr ([gh]ithub [s]earch [r]epository)

are equal to the default search subcommands provided by the gh command, but combines them with fuzzy searching with fzf.

Fine-tuned defaults for PRs!

  • ghpr Search for open pull requests created by the current user.
  • ghpra Search for open pull requests assigned to the current user.
  • ghprm Search for open pull requests with mentions of the current user.
  • ghrr Search for open pull requests with review requests wanted from the current user.

Fine-tuned defaults for issues!

  • ghi Search for open issues created by the current user.
  • ghia Search for open issues assigned to the current user.
  • ghim Search for open issues with mentions of the current user.

Some handy examples

Fuzzy search open PRs which requested a review from you, approve.

 # long
 ghspr --sort=updated --limit 100 --review-requested=@me --archived=false --state=open | xargs -I{} sh -c 'gh pr review --approve {}'
 # short
 ghrr | xargs -I{} sh -c 'gh pr review --approve {}'

Fuzzy search open PRs which requested a review from you, approve and merge.

 # long
 ghspr --sort=updated --limit 100 --review-requested=@me --archived=false --state=open | xargs -I{} sh -c 'gh pr review --approve {} && gh pr merge --squash {}'
 # short
 ghrr | xargs -I{} sh -c 'gh pr review --approve {} && gh pr merge --squash {}'


Supports all options that gh search repos/issues/prs supports, except for --json and --template which are being utilized by this extension.

Contributing & License

Feel free to submit changes! See the Contributing Guide. This project is open-source and is developed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License.