
Gradle Plugin for Extracting Dependency Information to send to GitHub

APACHE-2.0 License


GitHub Dependency Graph Gradle Plugin

A Gradle plugin for generating a GitHub dependency graph for a Gradle build, which can be uploaded to the GitHub Dependency Submission API.


This plugin is designed to be used in a GitHub Actions workflow, and is tightly integrated into the gradle/actions/dependency-submission action.

For other uses, the core plugin (org.gradle.github.GitHubDependencyGraphPlugin) should be applied to the Gradle instance via a Gradle init script as follows:

import org.gradle.github.GitHubDependencyGraphPlugin
initscript {
  repositories {
    maven {
      url = uri("")
  dependencies {
apply plugin: GitHubDependencyGraphPlugin

This causes 2 separate plugins to be applied, that can be used independently:

  • GitHubDependencyExtractorPlugin collects all dependencies that are resolved during a build execution and writes these to a file. The output file can be found at <root>/build/reports/github-depenency-graph-snapshots/<job-correlator>.json.
  • ForceDependencyResolutionPlugin creates a ForceDependencyResolutionPlugin_resolveAllDependencies task that will attempt to resolve all dependencies for a Gradle build, by simply invoking dependencies on all projects.

Required environment variables

The following environment variables configure the snapshot generated by the GitHubDependencyExtractorPlugin. See the GitHub Dependency Submission API docs for details:

  • GITHUB_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_JOB_CORRELATOR: Sets the job.correlator value for the dependency submission
  • GITHUB_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_JOB_ID: Sets the value for the dependency submission
  • GITHUB_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_REF: Sets the ref value for the commit that generated the dependency graph
  • GITHUB_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_SHA: Sets the sha value for the commit that generated the dependency graph
  • GITHUB_DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_WORKSPACE: Sets the root directory of the github repository. Must be an absolute path.
  • DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_REPORT_DIR (optional): Specifies where the dependency graph report will be generated. Must be an absolute path.

Each of these values can also be provided via a system property. eg: Env var DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_REPORT_DIR can be set with -DDEPENDENCY_GRAPH_REPORT_DIR=... on the command-line.

Filtering which Gradle Configurations contribute to the dependency graph

If you do not want to include every dependency configuration in every project in your build, you can limit the dependency extraction to a subset of these.

The following parameters control the set of projects and configurations that contribute dependencies. Each of these is a regular expression value, and can set either as an environment variable or as a system property on the command line.

Property Description Default
DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_INCLUDE_PROJECTS Projects to include All projects are included
DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_EXCLUDE_PROJECTS Projects to exclude No projects are excluded
DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_INCLUDE_CONFIGURATIONS Configurations to include All configurations are included
DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_EXCLUDE_CONFIGURATIONS Configurations to exclude No configurations are excluded

Controlling the scope of dependencies in the dependency graph

The GitHub dependency graph allows a scope to be assigned to each reported dependency. The only permissible values for scope are 'runtime' and 'development'.

The following parameters control the set of projects and configurations that provide 'runtime' scoped dependencies. Any dependency resolution that does not match these parameters will be scoped 'development'.

Each of these parameters is a regular expression value, and can set either as an environment variable or as a system property on the command line.

Property Description Default
DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_RUNTIME_INCLUDE_PROJECTS Projects that can provide 'runtime' dependencies All projects are included
DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_RUNTIME_EXCLUDE_PROJECTS Projects that do not provide 'runtime' dependencies No projects are excluded
DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_RUNTIME_INCLUDE_CONFIGURATIONS Configurations that contain 'runtime' dependencies All configurations are included
DEPENDENCY_GRAPH_RUNTIME_EXCLUDE_CONFIGURATIONS Configurations that do not contain 'runtime' dependencies No configurations are excluded

By default, no scope is assigned to dependencies in the graph. To enable scopes in the generated dependency graph, at least one of these parameters must be configured.

For dependencies that are resolved in multiple projects and/or multiple configurations, only a single 'runtime' scoped resolution is required for that dependency to be scoped 'runtime'.

Gradle compatibility

The plugin should be compatible with most versions of Gradle >= 5.2, and has been tested against Gradle versions "5.2.1", "5.6.4", "6.0.1", "6.9.4", "7.1.1" and "7.6.3", as well as all patched versions of Gradle 8.x.

The plugin is compatible with running Gradle with the configuration-cache enabled: this support is limited to Gradle "8.1.0" and later. Earlier Gradle versions will not work with --configuration-cache. Note that no dependency graph will be generated when configuration state is loaded from the configuration-cache.

Gradle version Compatible Compatible with configuration-cache
1.x - 4.x
5.0 - 5.1.1
5.2 - 5.6.4
6.0 - 6.9.4
7.0 - 7.0.2
7.1 - 7.6.3
8.0 - 8.0.2

Dependency verification

When using this plugin with dependency signature verification enabled, the you should be able to update your dependency-verification.xml file using --write-verification-metadata pgp,sha256.

However, if this doesn't work, you can add the following to your dependency-verificaton.xml file:

   <trusted-key id="7B79ADD11F8A779FE90FD3D0893A028475557671" group="org.gradle" name="github-dependency-graph-gradle-plugin"/>

Using the plugin to generate dependency reports

As well as the GitHubDependencyGraphPlugin, which is tailored for use by the gradle/actions/dependency-submission GitHub Action, this repository also provides the SimpleDependencyGraphPlugin, which generates dependency-graph outputs in simple text format.

To use the SimpleDependencyGraphPlugin you'll need to create an init-script.gradle file to apply the plugin to your project:

initscript {
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        classpath "org.gradle:github-dependency-graph-gradle-plugin:+"
apply plugin: org.gradle.dependencygraph.simple.SimpleDependencyGraphPlugin

and then execute the task to resolve all dependencies in your project:

./gradlew -I init.gradle --dependency-verification=off --no-configuration-cache --no-configure-on-demand :ForceDependencyResolutionPlugin_resolveAllDependencies

You'll find the generated files in build/dependency-graph-snapshots.

Using dependency reports to determine the underlying source of a dependency

After generating the dependency reports as described, it is possible to determine the dependency source by:

  1. Locate the dependency (including matching version) in the dependency-resolution.json file.
  2. Inspect each resolvedBy entry for the path and configuration values. The scope value is unimportant in this context.
  3. Use the built-in dependencyInsight task to determine exactly how the dependency was resolved. The path indicates the project where the task should be executed, and the configuration is an input to the task.

For example, given the following from the dependency-resolution.json report:

  "dependency" : "",
  "effectiveScope" : "Unknown",
  "resolvedBy" : [ {
    "path" : ":my-subproject",
    "configuration" : "compileClasspath",
    "scope" : "Unknown"
  }, ...

You would run the command:

./gradlew :my-subproject:dependencyInsight --configuration compileClasspath --dependency

Dealing with 'classpath' configuration

If the configuration value in dependency-resolution.json is "classpath", or for some other reason the above instructions do not work, it is possible to recostruct the full resolution path using the generated dependency-graph.json file.

Search for the exact dependency version in dependency-graph.json, and you'll see an "id" entry for that dependency as well as one or more "dependencies" entries. By tracing back through the dependencies you can determine the underlying source of the dependency.


To build and test this plugin, run the following task:

./gradlew check

To self-test this plugin and generate a dependency graph for this repository, run:


The generated dependency graph will be submitted to GitHub only if you supply a GitHub API token via the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN.