
A step by step guide on how to keep a Glitch project in sync with a GitHub repo

MIT License


How to keep a Glitch project in sync with a GitHub repo

You can follow the "initial steps" below or just remix this glitch project and continue in the next section.

  1. Go to and create a new hello-express app.
  2. Open the package.json file and add the following packages:
  • node-cmd
  • body-parser
  1. Open the server.js file and load the following libraries:
const cmd = require('node-cmd');
const crypto = require('crypto'); 
const bodyParser = require('body-parser');
  1. Look for app.use(express.static('public')); and add the following line below:


  1. Create a post endpoint to receive the GitHub webhook:
const onWebhook = (req, res) => {
  let hmac = crypto.createHmac('sha1', process.env.SECRET);
  let sig  = `sha1=${hmac.update(JSON.stringify(req.body)).digest('hex')}`;

  if (req.headers['x-github-event'] === 'push' && sig === req.headers['x-hub-signature']) {'chmod 777 ./'); 
    cmd.get('./', (err, data) => {  
      if (data) {
      if (err) {

  return res.sendStatus(200);
}'/git', onWebhook);
  1. Create a file adding the following lines:

# Fetch the newest code
git fetch origin master

# Hard reset
git reset --hard origin/master

# Force pull
git pull origin master --force

This file will be in charge of pulling the changes from your Github repo.

  1. Open the .env file and set a SECRET:
  1. Open the glitch console for your project and generate a new SSH key with:

Just press <Enter> to accept all the questions.

  1. Read the content of the .ssh/ file with:
cat .ssh/

Then copy the string to your clipboard.

  1. Create a new GitHub repo with a file (or any other file, it's important that the project is not empty).
  2. Go to the deploy keys section of the settings page of your GitHub project.
  3. Click on Add deploy key and add the SSH key you generated in the step #8; add in the title field.
  4. Check the Allow write access box too.
  5. Now open the webhooks section and add a new webhook (replacing PROJECT_NAME with your actual project name):
Payload URL:
Content type: application/json
Secret: use the SECRET you set up in your glitch project

The rest of the defaults are OK.

  1. Go back to your Glitch project and export your project to GitHub (that will create a new glitch branch in your GitHub repo): Tools > Git, Import, and Export > Export to GitHub.

  2. In the Glitch console, set the remote origin to the master branch of your GitHub project:

git remote add origin [email protected]:USERNAME/PROJECT.git
git pull
git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master
  1. Clone your repo in your dev machine and merge the newly created glitch branch with the master branch:
git fetch
git merge master origin/glitch


  1. In your dev machine, create a dummy test file (like hello.txt) and commit it.
  2. Push the changes with git push.

If everything is OK, your Glitch project should be updated, and a hello.txt file should appear in the list of files. If you don't see it, have a look to the log of your Glitch project.

Updating your project from GitHub Glitch

This should be the default method of updating your project. Develop in your dev machine, commit the changes and do a git push

Updating your project from Glitch GitHub

If you change something in Glitch, first you'll need to export your project to GitHub and then merge the glitch branch with your master branch.

git merge glitch
git push


While I've detailed all the steps and added information on how to add a deploy key, the overall solution (including the and webhook sync code) comes from this post by @jarvis394 on the glitch forum.