
remark plugin to add support for GitHub beta blockquote-based admonitions

APACHE-2.0 License



remark plugin to add support for GitHub beta blockquote-based admonitions

If you are viewing the README on NPM, refer to GitHub README for possible documentation update


This package is ESM only. In Node.js (version 16+), install with npm:

npm install remark-github-beta-blockquote-admonitions

Get Started

import plugin from 'remark-github-beta-blockquote-admonitions'

const options = {} // Plugin options
const html = String(
  await remark().use(remarkParse).use(plugin, options).use(remarkRehype).use(rehypeStringify).process(`\
# Admonitions
> [!NOTE]
> test

The output HTML will be:

<div class="admonition">
  <p class="admonition-title">NOTE</p>

The legacy ones with titles like **Note** is also and still supported. Use the option legacyTitle to enable it.


export interface Config {
  classNameMaps: {
    // Classes the `<div>` block should be added with
    block: string | string[] | (title: string) => (string | string[])
    // Classes the `<p>` title should be added with
    title: string | string[] | (title: string) => (string | string[])
  // Which title texts in `<p>` should make the block considered as admonitions.
  // This is performed before any other actions, e.g., it gets `[!NOTE]`.
  titleFilter: string[] | (title: string) => boolean
  // The function allows you to differ displayed title text in the output with
  // the one checked in the plugin such as the classes the plugin is going to
  // add.
  // The differing is done after the filter check.
  // This may help you to embed custom title text with particular admonition
  // type like "[!Note/My Title]".
  // By default, both two variables use the same value with the prefix`[!` and
  // suffix `]` trimmed.
  titleTextMap: (title: string) => { displayTitle: string; checkedTitle: string }
  // Customize block node and title node data in mdast syntax tree.
  // For example, if you want the block to be `<admonition>` other than `<div>`,
  // with [the help of remark-rehype], you can set `{ hName: 'admonition' }` for
  // block to implement it.
  // By default, no extra actions.
  // [the help of remark-rehype]:
  dataMaps: {
    block: (data: Data) => Data
    title: (data: Data) => Data
  // Whether to keep trailing whitespaces of titles, e.g., "[!NOTE] \r\t".
  // Trimmed by default.
  // There is rare need to change it unless you want to strictly control the
  // syntax tree.
  titleKeepTrailingWhitespaces: boolean

  // To use the legacy titles like **Note**
  legacyTitle: boolean
  // The following options only take effects when `legacyTitle == true`.

  // When enabled, the `<strong>` element will be moved from `<p>` children to
  // `<blockquote>` children with `<p>` wrapped, like the structure of MkDocs
  // admonitions, otherwise no extra actions
  titleLift: boolean
  // When titleLift is enabled, after `<strong>` is moved, the function defines
  // what the whitespaces following the `<strong>` will be converted to.
  // By default, remove these whitespaces.
  // You may rarely need to set the option unless want to strictly control the
  // syntax tree.
  titleLiftWhitespaces?: (whitespaces: string) => string
  // When titleLift is enabled, other than wrapping `<strong>` with `<p>`, use
  // the title text to build a `<p>` with classes and put it into `<blockquote>`
  // children to serve as admonition title, which makes the structure be like
  // MkDocs admonitions more
  titleUnwrap: boolean

The detailed default configuration is:

export const defaultConfig: Config = {
  classNameMaps: {
    block: 'admonition',
    title: 'admonition-title',
  titleFilter: ['[!NOTE]', '[!IMPORTANT]', '[!WARNING]', '[!TIP]', '[!CAUTION]'],
  titleTextMap: (title) => ({
    // To remove the `[!` prefix and `]` suffix
    displayTitle: title.substring(2, title.length - 1),
    checkedTitle: title.substring(2, title.length - 1),
  dataMaps: {
    block: (data) => data,
    title: (data) => data,
  titleKeepTrailingWhitespaces: false,
  legacyTitle: false,

Notice: The default config and provided config are merged simply with { ...a, ...b }, so for example if you are going to provide a customized classNameMaps, you need to provide both block and title.

How To

Collaborate with MkDocs admonitions?

MkDocs admonitions is just Python-Markdown admonitions which is from rST-style admonitions

A MkDocs-campatibility-focused config mkdocsConfig is already provided within the package. The config will make the output HTML the same as the MkDocs admonition HTML. Custom admonition types are also supported by prefixing it with admonition: and a space. Examples are:

> [!note danger "Don't try this at home"]
> You should note that the title will be automatically capitalized.
!!! note danger "Don't try this at home"
    You should note that the title will be automatically capitalized.
<div class="admonition note danger">
  <p class="admonition-title">Don't try this at home</p>
  <p>You should note that the title will be automatically capitalized.</p>
> [!admonition: guess "Don't try this at home"]
> You should note that the title will be automatically capitalized.
!!! guess "Don't try this at home"
    You should note that the title will be automatically capitalized.
<div class="admonition guess">
  <p class="admonition-title">Don't try this at home</p>
  <p>You should note that the title will be automatically capitalized.</p>

Notice: Descriptive title in "" is required, otherwise it will fallback to empty string "" other than names corresponding to the types like Notes to note.


The GitHub implementation (so far) will turn "NOTE", "IMPORTANT", "WARNING" to "Note", "Important", "Warning" respectively, but this library will keep the original UPPERCASE form. This is because this library considers more possible admonition titles like 警告, 訓戒, 훈계, замечание, عتاب via custom options. It is hard to determine whether they can be lowercased and what it should be if any.

The GitHub implementation that includes the '14 November 2023' update prevents alerts (a.k.a. admonitions here, not just the alert varient) from being nested within other elements, but this library does not check that. This is because this library does not consider the final view of the admonitions, which can be the reason why GitHub checks it. And you can also easily select the GitHub-expected admonitions via CSS selectors from all ones, while it is hard in the opposite way.


v1 -> v2.0.0: To avoid breaking previous code that uses titles **Note**, you only need to add the option legacyTitle: true, replace mkdocsConfig with mkdocsConfigForLegacyTitle, and no other changes are required. v2.0.0 is served as an intermediate stage for users who want to support the new title syntax without breaking previous code with minimal changes.

v2.0.0 -> v2: The titleFilter will be performed before any other actions including titleTextMap. If you just use the default configuration, no changes are required. If your titleTextMap returns checkedTitle (i.e., the 2nd returned value) as title is, for previous v1 code no changes are required. Otherwise, since previously titleFilter checks checkedTitle, now it will check the original title (e.g., [!NOTE] / [!admonition: note]) directly (for both the default [!NOTE] title and legacy **Note** title). You may need to update the value of titleFilter.

v2 -> v3 (latest): While no breaking changes are introduced by this package, we update the dependencies of the remark/rehype/unist ecosystems to the next major versions:

  • Dependencies:
    • unist-util-visit: v4 -> v5
  • Dev dependencies:
    • rehype-stringify: v9 -> v10
    • remark: v14 -> v15
    • remark-parse: v10 -> v11
    • remark-rehype: v10 -> v11
    • unified: v10 -> v11

The most notable change of this major version update of these ecosystems IMO is dropping Node 12 support and requiring Node 16+, which is already required by this package due to ESM only.

We still maintain v2 of this package, hosted in the oldstable branch. Latest changes will be downstreamed to v2 with best effort. Our purpose of keeping v2 is to support some "slow" packages better like next-mdx-remote.


Since GitHub beta blockquote-based admonitions are backward compatible in Markdown, things are simple, which are just to visit the matched elements in the remark-parse parsed syntax tree to add remark-rehype recognizable classes


Copyright (C) myl7

SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0