
A flexible web server for reacting GitHub Webhooks

MIT License



A stand-alone GitHub Webhook end-point server.


github-webhook \
  --port=9999 \
  --path=/webhook \
  --secret=mygithubsecret \
  --log=/var/log/webhook.log \
  --rule='push:ref == refs/heads/master && == myrepo:echo "yay!"'

You can also specify a --config <file> where file is a JSON file containing the same properties as are available as commandline options. The commandline will always override properties in the config file though.

  "port": 9999,
  "path": "/webhook",
  "secret": "mygithubsecret",
  "log": "/var/log/webhook.log",
  "rules": [{
    "event": "push",
    "match": "ref == \"refs/heads/master\" && == \"myrepo\"",
    "exec": "echo yay!"


  • port (required): the port for the server to listen to (also respects PORT env var), should match what you tell GitHub
  • path (required): the path / route to listen to webhook requests on, should match what you tell GitHub
  • secret (required): the key used to hash the payload by GitHub that we verify against, should match what you tell GitHub
  • host (optional): if you want to restrict listen() to a specific host
  • log (optional): a file to print logs to, each command execution will be logged, also note that you can set the DEBUG env var to see debug output (see debug). Note that the special strings 'stdout' and 'stderr' will redirect log output to standard out and standard error respectively rather than files with those names.
  • rules (optional): an array of objects representing rules to match against and commands to execute, can also be supplied as individual --rule commandline arguments where the 3 properties are separated by : (details below)


When reacting to valid GitHub Webhook payloads, you can specify any number of rules that will be matched and execute commands in a forked shell. Rules have three components:

  • "event": the event type to match, see the GitHub Webhooks documentation for more details on the events you can receive
  • "match": a basic object matching rule that will be applied against the payload received from GitHub. Should be flexible enough to match very specific parts of the PayLoad. See matchme for how this works.
  • "exec": a system command to execute if this rule is matched, should obviously be something related to the event, perhaps a deploy on "push" events? Note: if you provide a string it will be run with sh -c "<string>" (unlikely to be Windows-friendly), however if you provide an array of strings then the first element will be executed with the remaining elements as its arguments.

You can either specify these rules in an array on the "rules" property in the config file, or as separate --rule commandline arguments where the components are separated by :, e.g.: --rule event:match:exec (you will generally want to quote the rule to prevent shell trickery).

Programatic usage

You can var server = require('github-webhook')(options) and you'll receive a http.Server object that has been prepared but not started.

More information

github-webhook is powered by github-webhook-handler, see that for more details.


github-webhook is Copyright (c) 2015 Rod Vagg and licensed under the MIT License. All rights not explicitly granted in the MIT License are reserved. See the included file for more details.