
✨🐛💥 A semantic-release plugin for gitmojis. Different from conventional changelog, Gitmoji commits are used to determine a release type and generate release notes.

MIT License



✨🐛💥 A semantic-release plugin for gitmojis.

Different from conventional changelog, Gitmoji commits are used to determine a release type and generate release notes.

Step Description
analyzeCommits Determine the type of release by analyzing commits with Gitmoji.
generateNotes Generate release notes for the commits added since the last release with Gitmoji.


  • Categorize commits according to Gitmojis
  • Progressive commits composed of a final commit and several WIP (🚧) commits


npm install semantic-release-gitmoji -D


The plugin can be configured in the semantic-release configuration file:

// in ".releaserc.js" or "release.config.js"

const { promisify } = require('util')
const dateFormat = require('dateformat')
const readFileAsync = promisify(require('fs').readFile)

// Given a `const` variable `TEMPLATE_DIR` which points to "<semantic-release-gitmoji>/lib/assets/templates"

// the *.hbs template and partials should be passed as strings of contents
const template = readFileAsync(path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, 'default-template.hbs'))
const commitTemplate = readFileAsync(path.join(TEMPLATE_DIR, 'commit-template.hbs'))

module.exports = {
  plugins: [
      'semantic-release-gitmoji', {
        releaseRules: {
          major: [ ':boom:' ],
          minor: [ ':sparkles:' ],
          patch: [
        releaseNotes: {
          partials: { commitTemplate },
          helpers: {
            datetime: function (format = 'UTC:yyyy-mm-dd') {
              return dateFormat(new Date(), format)
          issueResolution: {
            template: '{baseUrl}/{owner}/{repo}/issues/{ref}',
            baseUrl: '',
            source: '',
            removeFromCommit: false,
            regex: /#\d+/g

This configuration is the same semantic as the default configuration of semantic-release-gitmoji.

semantic-release-gitmoji should be used in place of both @semantic-release/commit-analyzer and @semantic-release/release-notes-generator since the both plugins parse commits following the conventional changelog while this plugin requires Gitmoji commits.


It is recommended to write the configuration in a javascript file since templates are required to be strings of their contents.

interface SemanticReleaseGitmojiOptions {
  releaseRules?: ReleaseRules
  releaseNotes?: ReleaseNotesOptions


The ReleaseRules is a map from a release type to a set of emojis.

interface ReleaseRules {
  major?:      Array<Emoji> | EmojiArrayModifier
  premajor?:   Array<Emoji> | EmojiArrayModifier
  minor?:      Array<Emoji> | EmojiArrayModifier
  preminor?:   Array<Emoji> | EmojiArrayModifier
  patch?:      Array<Emoji> | EmojiArrayModifier
  prepatch?:   Array<Emoji> | EmojiArrayModifier
  prerelease?: Array<Emoji> | EmojiArrayModifier


Emoji is a string of valid GitHub emoji markup (e.g. ":boom:", ":collision:") or raw emoji characters (e.g. "💥").

No need to worry about which format to use since this plugin handles it for you!

See for more information about emojis.

type Emoji = string


interface EmojiArrayModifier {
  include?: Array<Emoji>
  exclude?: Array<Emoji>


ReleaseNotesOptions defines how to render the release notes from a given set of Gitmoji commits.

All templates file are compiled and renderered by handlebars, therefore you may need to get familiar with the .hbs format before starting to customize your own templates.

semver is a boolean to define if releaseNotes should be based on Gitmoji only or on key semver associated to gitmoji used in commit to determine the next release tag.

partials is a map from the partial name to the content of the partial template.

helpers is a map from the helper name to the helper function. There is already a default helper datetime which takes a format string as the first argument and return a formatted current timestamp. See npm/dateformat for more information about how to format a timestamp and see the default template as an example.

Besides, You are allowed to provide helpers with the same names to override default helpers.

issueResolution defines how issues are resolved to. The default and the only supported source currently is, or you can provide your own issueResolution.template to override the default resolution to GitHub.

There are five variables that can be used in issueResolution.template:

  • baseUrl
  • owner
  • repo
  • ref, which is the numeric ID of issue
  • issue, which is the full issue
interface ReleaseNotesOptions {
  template?: TemplateContent
  semver?: Boolean
  partials?: Record<string, TemplateContent>
  helpers?: Record<string, Function>
  issueResolution?: {
    template?: string
    baseUrl?: string
    source?: '' | null // currently only GitHub is supported, PR welcome :)
    regex?: RegExp, // regex to match the issue(s). If not provided, will find issues thanks to [issue-regex](
    removeFromCommit?: boolean // if true, will remove found issue(s) from commit name


type TemplateContent = string | Buffer | Promise<string> | Promise<Buffer>



The context for templates is inherited from semantic-release context with some modifications such as owner, repo and compareUrl.

commits is a map from Emoji (don't worry about the format) to a list of extended commits. Values of commits are extended to contain more information related to Gitmoji. See CommitContext

interface TemplateContext {
  owner: string
  repo: string
  source: string
  commits: Record<string, Array<CommitContext>>
  lastRelease: {
    gitHead: string
    version: string
    gitTag: string
  nextRelease: {
    type: string
    gitHead: string
    version: string
    gitTag: string
  compareUrl: string


CommitContext is extended from SemanticReleaseCommitObj.

Note that emojis at the beginning of message and subject are trimmed, which are the same emoji in gitmoji.

gitmoji is a raw emoji since an emoji may have more than one GitHub emoji markup representation, e.g. ":boom:" and ":collision:" both represent for th emoji, "💥".

interface CommitContext extends SemanticReleaseCommitObj {
  message: string
  subject: string
  owner: string
  repo: string
  source: string
  gitmoji: string
  issues: Array<IssueLink>
  wip: Array<CommitContext>


interface IssueLink {
  text: string
  link: string

Progressive commits

Assume you file an issue (e.g. #1) to implement a new feature, then you make 3 commits as belows (the toppest is the latest).

  • ✨ Add a new feature.\n\n#1
  • 🚧 Implement part B.\n\n#1
  • 🚧 Implement part A.\n\n#1

The ✨ commit will be the final commit composed of two 🚧 commits. They are linked together via #1 in the commit message.

Therefore the commits of the template context will be as follows.

  "commits": {

    "sparkles": [
        "message": "Add a new feature.\n\n#1",
        "subject": "Add a new feature.",
        "body": "#1",
        "gitmoji": "",
        "// repo": "",
        "// owner": "",
        "source": "",
        "issues": [{
          "text": "#1",
          "// link": ""

        "wip": [
            "message": "Implement part B.\n\n#1",
            "subject": "Implement part B.",
            "body": "#1",
            "gitmoji": "🚧",
            "// repo": "",
            "// owner": "",
            "source": "",
            "issues": [{
              "text": "#1",
              "// link": ""
            "message": "Implement part A.\n\n#1",
            "subject": "Implement part A.",
            "body": "#1",
            "gitmoji": "🚧",
            "// repo": "",
            "// owner": "",
            "source": "",
            "issues": [{
              "text": "#1",
              "// link": ""

    "// other gitmojis": ""

Commit Syntax

Beside using issue number to link commits, the following syntax is also available to link commits together.


While target_name is an identifier for those progressive commits, for example, wip#feature-A.

  • target_name can contain numbers, letters (both cases), _ or -.
  • target_name should not start with _ or -.


PRs are welcome.

Before sending PRs, please follow the steps below.

  • Fork the branch dev.
  • Make commits.
  • Run npm run lint and ensure you pass the linter.
  • Run npm test and ensure nothing broken.
    • If you introduce new features in the PR, ensure tests have been written for each feature.
  • Send your PR to branch dev and wait for reviews.

Thanks for all lovers and contributers of this project!