
A Tool for Domain Flyovers

MIT License




This is an actively developing aquatone forked from michenriksen's project. I do this because the original project has been stopped updating

Aquatone is a tool for visual inspection of websites across a large amount of hosts and is convenient for quickly gaining an overview of HTTP-based attack surface.


  1. Install Google Chrome or Chromium browser -- Note: Google Chrome is currently giving unreliable results when running in headless mode, so it is recommended to install Chromium for the best results.

You'll need a working installation of Go with go 1.11+ modules support.

GO111MODULE=off go get


Command-line options:

Usage of aquatone:
  -chrome-path string
        Full path to the Chrome/Chromium executable to use. By default, aquatone will search for Chrome or Chromium
        Print debugging information
  -filter-codes string
        Invalid HTTP status codes to do web scan (seperated by commas)
        Screenshot full web pages
  -http-timeout int
        Timeout in miliseconds for HTTP requests (default 15000)
  -input-file string
        Input file to parse hosts (Nmap or Raw) rather than STDIN
  -match-codes string
        Valid HTTP status codes to do web scan (seperated by commas)
        Parse input as Nmap/Masscan XML
        Do not follow HTTP redirects
        Use offline js files to generate the default template report.
  -out string
        Directory to write files to (default ".")
  -ports string
        Ports to scan on hosts. Supported list aliases: small, medium, large, xlarge (default "80,443,8080,8443")
  -proxy string
        Proxy to use for HTTP requests
        Save response bodies to files
  -scan-timeout int
        Timeout in miliseconds for port scans (default 3000)
  -screenshot-delay int
        Delay in miliseconds before taking screenshots
  -screenshot-timeout int
        Timeout in miliseconds for screenshots (default 30000)
  -session string
        Load Aquatone session file and generate HTML report
        Suppress all output except for errors
  -similarity float
        Cluster Similarity Float for Screenshots. Default 0.80 (default 0.8)
  -template-path string
        Path to HTML template to use for report
  -threads int
        Number of concurrent threads (default number of logical CPUs)
  -thumbnail-size string
        Screenshot thumbnail size (format: width,height)
  -timeout int
        Generic timeout for everithing. (specific timeouts will be ignored if set)
        Print current Aquatone version

Giving Aquatone data

Aquatone is designed to be as easy to use as possible and to integrate with your existing toolset with no or minimal glue. Aquatone is started by piping output of a command into the tool. It doesn't really care how the piped data looks as URLs, domains, and IP addresses will be extracted with regular expression pattern matching. This means that you can pretty much give it output of any tool you use for host discovery.

IPs, hostnames and domain names in the data will undergo scanning for ports that are typically used for web services and transformed to URLs with correct scheme. If the data contains URLs, they are assumed to be alive and do not undergo port scanning.


$ cat targets.txt | aquatone
$ aquatone -input-file targets.txt


When Aquatone is done processing the target hosts, it has created a bunch of files and folders in the current directory:

  • aquatone_report.html: An HTML report to open in a browser that displays all the collected screenshots and response headers clustered by similarity.
  • aquatone_urls.txt: A file containing all responsive URLs. Useful for feeding into other tools.
  • aquatone_session.json: A file containing statistics and page data. Useful for automation.
  • aquatone_log.log: A file containing log information of the scan. Useful for debugging.
  • headers/: A folder with files containing raw response headers from processed targets.
  • html/: A folder with files containing the raw response bodies from processed targets. If you are processing a large amount of hosts, and don't need this for further analysis, you can disable this with the -save-body=false flag to save some disk space.
  • screenshots/: A folder with PNG screenshots of the processed targets.

The output can easily be zipped up and shared with others or archived.

Changing the output destination

If you don't want Aquatone to create files in the current working directory, you can specify a different location with the -out flag:

$ cat hosts.txt | aquatone -out ~/aquatone/

It is also possible to set a permanent default output destination by defining an environment variable:

export AQUATONE_OUT_PATH="~/aquatone"

Specifying ports to scan

Be default, Aquatone will scan target hosts with a small list of commonly used HTTP ports: 80, 443, 8080 and 8443. You can change this to your own list of ports with the -ports flag:

$ cat hosts.txt | aquatone -ports 80,443,3000,3001

Aquatone also supports aliases of built-in port lists to make it easier for you:

  • small: 80, 443
  • medium: 80, 443, 8000, 8080, 8443
  • large: 80, 81, 443, 591, 2082, 2087, 2095, 2096, 3000, 8000, 8001, 8008, 8080, 8083, 8443, 8834, 8888
  • xlarge: 80, 81, 300, 443, 591, 593, 832, 981, 1010, 1311, 2082, 2087, 2095, 2096, 2480, 3000, 3128, 3333, 4243, 4567, 4711, 4712, 4993, 5000, 5104, 5108, 5800, 6543, 7000, 7396, 7474, 8000, 8001, 8008, 8014, 8042, 8069, 8080, 8081, 8088, 8090, 8091, 8118, 8123, 8172, 8222, 8243, 8280, 8281, 8333, 8443, 8500, 8834, 8880, 8888, 8983, 9000, 9043, 9060, 9080, 9090, 9091, 9200, 9443, 9800, 9981, 12443, 16080, 18091, 18092, 20720, 28017


$ cat hosts.txt | aquatone -ports large

Screenshot delay

For example delaying capture, could be useful for javascript rendered pages (sleeping a couple of ms). The system waits the specified number of virtual milliseconds before deeming the page to be ready.


$ cat hosts.txt | aquatone -screenshot-delay 10000

Usage examples

Aquatone is designed to play nicely with all kinds of tools. Here's some examples:

Amass DNS enumeration

Amass is currently my preferred tool for enumerating DNS. It uses a bunch of OSINT sources as well as active brute-forcing and clever permutations to quickly identify hundreds, if not thousands, of subdomains on a domain:

$ amass -active -brute -o hosts.txt -d
- - - SNIP - - -
$ cat hosts.txt | aquatone -out reports/

There are plenty of other DNS enumeration tools out there and Aquatone should work just as well with any other tool:

Nmap or Masscan

Aquatone can make a report on hosts scanned with the Nmap or Masscan portscanner. Simply feed Aquatone the XML output and give it the -nmap flag to tell it to parse the input as Nmap/Masscan XML:

$ cat scan.xml | aquatone -nmap


  • Thanks to EdOverflow for the can-i-take-over-xyz project which Aquatone's domain takeover capability is based on.
  • Thanks to Elbert Alias for the Wappalyzer project's technology fingerprints which Aquatone's technology fingerprinting capability is based on.