
a Bridge between IPFS and ARWEAVE

MIT License


๐ŸŒ‰ IPFS Arweave Bridge

A bridge to connect IPFS to Arweave


  • only couple of requests
  • handles compression / extractions for you (optional)
  • easy to integrated with almost anything (logging, monitoring etc.)
  • no ipfs running in the background needed, no hooverd needed

How to use it (Ubuntu only)

Tested on ubuntu 19.04

  • Choose an IPFS gateway to your liking (or create one yourself)
  • If you use Ubuntu, get the binary file iab, if not you'll have to build/run it
  • Copy the configuration.json file in the same directory (modify it to your liking)
  • run ./iab
  • API will run on http://localhost:5555
  • If you want to use it on other platforms, either use the Dockerfile or build it yourself

How it does the transfer

POST /api/transfer

example: /api/transfer


    "duration": "1.145424997s",
    "id": "Qq2IE63kxOaZp7laJapQqyu1PUPPktGoSSyKTLI9iP4",
    "payload_bytes": 14

POST a raw json body containing

{ "ipfs_hash": "THE_IPFS_HASH", "use_compression": BOOLEAN, "tags": [ { "key": "key1", "value": "value1" },... ] }


  • hash the IPFS hash
  • use_compression if you want the file compressed before sending it to arweave. (zip is used)
  • tags (optional) if you want to add your own tags. (Note: the IPFS-Add tag is added automatically)


    "ipfs_hash": "Qmc5gCcjYypU7y28oCALwfSvxCBskLuPKWpK4qpterKC7z",
    "use_compression": false,
    "tags": [
            "key": "key1",
            "value": "value1"
            "key": "key2",
            "value": "value2"


  • duration gives you the time it took to get it from IPFS and to upload it to Arweave
  • id represents the arweave transaction id
  • Attention The transaction is NOT mined yet. You can get the status of a transaction by calling the API below

(it's up to the user how often they pool for the transaction status)


    "duration": "1.145424997s",
    "id": "Qq2IE63kxOaZp7laJapQqyu1PUPPktGoSSyKTLI9iP4",
    "payload_bytes": 14


checkout the Dockerfile

docker build -t iab:1.0 .
docker run -p 5555:5555 iab:1.0

Build it

if you want to build it you need go >= 1.12 in the root directory run:

go build -o YOUR_BINARY_NAME

for installing go check: it should build & run without problems on macOS & Windows

Configuration file

  "debug": true,
  "nodeURL": "",
  "ipfsGateway": "",
  "walletFile": "/path_to_your_wallet/arweave-wallet.json",
  "cleanup": true,
  "server": {
    "host": "",
    "port": 5555


  • debug runs with much more verbosity
  • nodeURL how to connect to arweave
  • ipfsGateway - your IPFS gateway. See below
  • walletFile the json AR wallet file location
  • cleanup deletes the files after they get retrieved. use false if you want to debug things
  • server's ip/port: how to run this API service

about IPFS gateway:


What if you want to host your own gateway ?

make sure you crete an api that will just accept a ipfs hash after the "/"

Other API Endpoints

๐Ÿ‘‰ Ping

GET /api/ping

used to check if the service is alive



๐Ÿ‘‰ Check your AR Token balance

GET /api/balance

returns your balance of AR Tokens


    "ar": "0.9996836928",
    "winston": "999683692828"

๐Ÿ‘‰ Retrieve a transaction or check if it's pending

GET /api/check_tx_arweave?transaction_id=TRANSACTION_ID

example: /api/check_tx_arweave?transaction_id=bnRQhVkook_lPv8uxuDRcj-wC5R2nfVps-2qA6-81WU


the transaction details or it's status (ex: pending)

Other helper API calls that you might need

๐Ÿ‘‰ Retrieve a file from IPFS

GET /api/ipfs?hash=IPFS_HASH

example: /api/ipfs?hash=QmbRmU9vYwH9Hhn1eH1WEFVS9sugpGSdJrfqtuZ329EgZA


content of the file from IPFS

๐Ÿ‘‰ Retrieve a file from Arweave

GET /api/arweave?transaction_id=TRANSACTION_ID&decode=true

example: /api/arweave?transaction_id=GyrTvuUBK9AgVLGBA8SsOHkUYmWApNqvJtMjJZZIvbQ&decode=BOOLEAN&extract=true


content of the file from Arweave


  • decoded (true or false) if you want it decoded or not
  • extract (true or false) if you posted zipped, it will unzip it

๐Ÿ‘‰ Post content directly to Arweave

POST /api/transfer_arweave


    "payload": "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",
    "tags": [
            "key": "key1",
           "value": "value1"
            "key2": "value2"


  • decoded (true or false) if you want it decoded or not
  • extract (true or false) if you posted zipped, it will unzip it

Special thanks to: -> for the transaction signing & sending code

Bugs / Features / Questions

fell free to create an issue


  • compression
  • docker
  • golang-ci yml
  • awaiting your idea

Project Values

This project has a few principle-based goals that guide its development:

  • Limit dependencies. Keep the package lightweight.

  • Pure Go. This means no cgo or other external/system dependencies. This package should be able to stand on its own and cross-compile easily to any platform -- and that includes its library dependencies.

  • Idiomatic Go. Keep interfaces small, variable names semantic, vet shows no errors, the linter (golangci lint) is generally quiet, etc.

  • Well-documented. Use comments prudently; explain why non-obvious code is necessary (and use tests to enforce it). Keep the docs updated, and have examples where helpful.

  • Keep it efficient. This often means keep it simple. Fast code is valuable.

  • Consensus. Contributions should ideally be approved by multiple reviewers before being merged. Generally, avoid merging multi-chunk changes that do not go through at least one or two iterations/reviews. Except for trivial changes, PRs are seldom ready to merge right away.

  • Have fun contributing. Coding is awesome!

I welcome contributions and appreciate your efforts! However, please open issues to discuss any changes before spending the time preparing a pull request. This will save time, reduce frustration, and help coordinate the work. Thank you!


IPFS Arweave Bridge is released under the MIT license.