
Implemented LRU (Least Recently Used) Cache in Go with a REST API for "GET", "SET" and "DELETE" operations, and a Websocket endpoint to dynamically reflect the current state of the cache. The front end is built using React and Redux Toolkit (RTK) for state management


LRU Cache with Rest API and Websocket

This project implements and LRU (Least Recently Used) Cache in Go with a REST API for "GET", "POST" and "DELETE" operations, and a Websocket endpoint to dynamically reflect the current state of the cache. The front end is built using React and Redux Toolkit (RTK) for state management


  • LRU cache with capacity as 5, and configurable expiration time for items
  • Concurrent-safe operations on the cache
  • Added mutex locks to handle concurrent operations
  • REST API endpoints to interact with the cache
  • Websocket endpoint to reflect real-time state of the cache
  • React front end to consume the API and display the cache state
  • Redux Toolkit (RTK) for state management
  • Unit test cases to check edge cases

Getting Started


  • Go 1.19 or higher
  • Node.js and npm or yarn

Backend Setup

  1. Clone the Repository
    git clone
  2. Open the cloned Repository
    cd LRU-Cache
  3. Navigate to backend directory
    cd backend
  4. Install dependencies
    go mod tidy
  5. Navigate to cmd
    cd cmd
  6. Run the backend server
    go run main.go

Frontend Setup

Open a New terminal window

  1. Navigate to front end directory
    cd frontend
  2. Install dependencies
    npm install
  3. Start the front end development server:
    npm run dev

API Endpoints

  • GET /get?key={key}: Get the CacheItem for the key
  • POST /set: Set a key-value pair with expiration. The request body should be a JSON object like
    {"key": "A", "value": "valueA", "expiration": 10}
  • DELETE /delete?key={key}: Delete a CacheItem
  • GET /cache/state: Get the current state of the cache
  • ws://localhost:8000/ws: Websocket endpoint to get real-time updates of the cache state.

Running Tests

  1. Navigate to backend directory and type the command
    go test ./pkg/cache
