
Prometheus metrics exporter for AWS Direct Connect

MIT License




Export AWS Direct Connect metrics in Prometheus format.


  • Get metrics of Connections, Virtual Interfaces in form of Prometheus Metrics. (More metrics coming soon!)
  • Ability to register multiple exporter in form of Jobs to query multiple regions and AWS Accounts.
  • Support for Assume Role while authenticating to AWS using Role ARN.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

How it Works

aws-dc-exporter uses AWS SDK to authenticate with AWS API and fetch Snapshots metdata. You can specify multiple jobs to fetch Direct Connect data and this exporter will collect all metrics and export in the form of Prometheus metrics using a lightweight metrics collection library.

You will need an IAM User/Role with the following policy attached to the server from where you are running this program:

    "Version": "2012-10-17",
    "Statement": [
            "Sid": "VisualEditor0",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Action": [
            "Resource": "*"


There are multiple ways of installing aws-dc-exporter.

Running as docker container


docker run -p 9980:9980 -v /etc/aws-dc-exporter/config.toml:/etc/aws-dc-exporter/config.toml mrkaran/aws-dc-exporter:latest

Precompiled binaries

Precompiled binaries for released versions are available in the Releases section.

Compiling the binary

You can checkout the source code and build manually:

git clone
cd aws-dc-exporter
make build
cp config.sample config.toml


mkdir aws-dc-exporter && cd aws-dc-exporter/ # copy the binary and config.sample in this folder
cp config.toml.sample config.toml # change the settings like server address, job metadata, aws credentials etc.
./aws-dc-exporter # this command starts a web server and is ready to collect metrics from EC2.

Testing a sample scrape request

You can send a GET request to /metrics and see the following metrics in Prometheus format:

aws_dc_bgp_peers{job="myjob",bgp_peer_id="dxpeer-redacted",bgp_status="up",bgp_peer_state="available",aws_device_v2="xyz-redacted"} 0
aws_dc_connections{job="myjob",conn_state="available",conn_name="redacted",partner_name="xyz",conn_id="dxcon-redacted",bandwidth="100Mbps"} 0
aws_dc_virtual_interfaces{job="myjob",virt_interface_state="available",virt_interface_name="aws-redacted-2",customer_address="x.x.y.z/31",virt_interface_id="dxvif-redacted",location="xyz"} 0

Advanced Section

Configuration Options

  • [server]

    • address: Port which the server listens to. Default is 9980
    • name: Optional, human identifier for the server.
    • read_timeout: Duration (in milliseconds) for the request body to be fully read) Read this blog for more info.
    • write_timeout: Duration (in milliseconds) for the response body to be written.
  • [app]

    • log_level: "production" for all INFO level logs. If you want to enable verbose logging use "debug".
    • jobs
      • name: Unique identifier for the job.
      • aws_creds:
        • region: AWS Region where your snapshots are hosted.
        • access_key: AWS Access Key if you are using an IAM User. It overrides the env variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY.
        • secret_key: AWS Secret Key. (See above)
        • role_arn: Role ARN if you want to assume another role from your IAM Role. This is particularly helpful to scrape data across multiple AWS Accounts.

NOTE: You can use --config flag to supply a custom config file path while running aws-dc-exporter.

Setting up Prometheus

You can add the following config under scrape_configs in Prometheus' configuration.

  - job_name: 'aws-dc'
    metrics_path: '/metrics'
    - targets: ['localhost:9980']
        service: direct-connect

Validate your setup by querying aws_dc_up to check if aws-dc-exporter is discovered by Prometheus:

`aws_dc_up{job="myjob"} 1`

Example Alerts


PRs on Feature Requests, Bug fixes are welcome. Feel free to open an issue and have a discussion first. Contributions on more alert scenarios, more metrics are also welcome and encouraged.

Read for more details.
