
Go environment var parsing, for babies

MIT License



Package babyenv collects environment variables and places them in corresponding struct fields. It aims to reduce the boilerplate in reading data from the environment.

The struct should contain env tags indicating the names of corresponding environment variables. The values of those environment variables will be then collected and placed into the struct. If nothing is found, struct fields will be given their default values (for example, bools will be false).

type config struct {
    Name string `env:"NAME"`

Default values can also be provided in the default tag.

    type config struct {
        Name string `env:"NAME" default:"Jane"`

A 'required' flag can also be set in the following format:

    type config struct {
        Name string `env:"NAME,required"`

If a required flag is set the 'default' tag will be ignored.


package main

import (

type config struct {
    Debug   bool   `env:"DEBUG"`
    Port    string `env:"PORT" default:"8000"`
    Workers int    `env:"WORKERS" default:"16"`
    Name    string `env:"NAME,required"`

func main() {
    os.Setenv("DEBUG", "true")
    os.Setenv("WORKERS", "4")
    os.Setenv("NAME", "Jane")

    var cfg config
    if err := babyenv.Parse(&cfg); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("could not get environment vars: %v", err)

    fmt.Printf("%b\n%s\n%d\n%s", cfg.Debug, cfg.Port, cfg.Workers, cfg.Name)

    // Output:
    // true
    // 8000
    // 4
    // Jane

Supported Types

Currently, only the following types are supported:

  • string
  • bool
  • int
  • int64
  • []byte/[]uint8
  • *string
  • *bool
  • *int
  • *int64
  • *[]byte/*[]uint8

Pull requests are welcome, especially for new types.


This is entirely based on caarlos0’s env package. This one simply has a slightly different interface, and less functionality.