
Go package to assist converting between numeric strings written in an arbitrary base to any other arbitrary base

MIT License


About baseconv Build Status Coverage

baseconv is a simple Go package for converting between strings in arbitrary bases.

baseconv is useful when working with extremely large numbers stored in a string format and where there is a need to convert between different base representations (ie, decimal, hex, octal, etc). For example, baseconv is useful when converting from "url-safe" UUIDs to a decimal or binary representation.

baseconv was originally written to solve a similar use-case as PHP's base_convert function.


Install the package via the following:

$ go get -u


baseconv can be used similarly to the following:

// _example/example.go
package main

import (


func main() {
	valHex := "70b1d707eac2edf4c6389f440c7294b51fff57bb"
	fmt.Println("hex string: " + valHex)
	valDec, _ := baseconv.DecodeHexToDec(valHex)
	val62, _ := baseconv.Convert(valHex, baseconv.DigitsHex, baseconv.Digits62)
	val36, _ := baseconv.Convert(val62, baseconv.Digits62, baseconv.Digits36)

	fmt.Println("dec string: " + valDec)
	fmt.Println("62 string:  " + val62)
	fmt.Println("36 string:  " + val36)

	conVal36, _ := baseconv.Decode36ToDec(val36)
	fmt.Printf("dec and 36 values same: %t\n", valDec == conVal36)


$ cd $GOPATH/src/ && go run example.go
hex string: 70b1d707eac2edf4c6389f440c7294b51fff57bb
dec string: 643372930067913326838082478477533553256088688571
62 string:  g4WuOGCMWgcPa70d91BezVvvvaX
36 string:  d5wjfaew7fypqn2ka6xpofdlwns9ha3
dec and 36 values same: true

Please see the GoDoc API page for a full API listing.