
Add or remove labels in batches to/from GitHub issues and pull requests.


Batch Labels

Add or remove labels in batches to/from GitHub issues and pull requests.


Download the binary for your platform:

Otherwise, install Go, and run go get and put $GOPATH/bin (assuming GOPATH has one path) in your PATH.

An Auth token from GitHub with repository access will need to be generated. To use, pass the token with the flag -a when using batchlables or store it in BATCHLABELS_AUTH_TOKEN environment variable.


batchlabels [hipv] [-a token] [--hacktoberfest] command label repo [repoN ...]
Add or remove labels in batches to/from GitHub issues and pull requests.

-a --auth token    repository auth token, defaults to the BATCHLABELS_AUTH_TOKEN environment var
-h --help          print this message
--hacktoberfest    add "hacktoberfest" labels to the given IDs (see label below) or, if none are given,
                   to all open issues (not pull requests) in the given repository
-i --issues        Only apply labels to issues and not pull requests
-p --pull-requests Only apply labels to pull requests
-v --version       print the version

command must be add or remove.

label can be one of: label, label#color, issue:label#color or issue1,issue2:labelA#color,labelB#color
When --hacktoberfest is provided and label is an integer or list of integers they are
treated as issue IDs for which the hacktoberfest label will be applied.

color is the hex color for the label.
If label contains no issues it will be added or removed to/from every open issue in the repo(s).

repo must be given in username/reponame format.


Use the --hacktoberfest option to add an hacktoberfest label with the color #ff9a56 to the specified issues or, if none are given, all open issues (not pull requests).

This works with both add and delete commands and can also be used in conjunction with normal label arguments. See Examples.


Add the labels foo and bar to all open issues and pull requests in repository sshaw/git-link:

batchlabels add foo bar sshaw/git-link

Remove the labels foo and bar from all open issues and pull requests in repository sshaw/git-link:

batchlabels remove foo bar sshaw/git-link

Add the labels foo and bar only to open issues in repository sshaw/git-link:

batchlabels -i add foo bar sshaw/git-link

To add labels having more than one word, use backslash \ to escape spaces. Example below will add good first issue to all open issues in the repository `sshaw/git-link:

batchlabels -i add good\ first\ issue sshaw/git-link

Add the label foo with the color #de5833 only to open issues in repository sshaw/git-link:

batchlabels -i add foo#de5833 sshaw/git-link

Add the label foo with the color #de5833 to issue 44 in repository sshaw/git-link:

batchlabels add 44:foo#de5833 sshaw/git-link

Add the label foo with color #ccc and label bar with color #fff to issues 12 and 27 in repository sshaw/git-link:

batchlabels add 12,27:foo#ccc,bar:#fff sshaw/git-link

Remove the labels foo from issues 44 and 12 in repository sshaw/git-link:

batchlabels remove 12,44:foo sshaw/git-link

Add the hacktoberfest label with color #ff9a56 to all open issues in repository sshaw/git-link:

batchlabels --hacktoberfest add sshaw/git-link

Add the hacktoberfest label with color #ff9a56 to pull requests 44 and 12 in repository sshaw/git-link:

batchlabels --hacktoberfest add 44,12 sshaw/git-link

Add the hacktoberfest label with color #ff9a56 to all open issues in repository sshaw/git-link. In addition, add the label foo with the color #de5833 to issue 44

batchlabels --hacktoberfest add 44:foo#de5833 sshaw/git-link

See Also


GitLab! (But first check to make sure they don't already support doing it.)


Skye Shaw [ AT]


Released under the MIT License:

Made by ScreenStaring