
Microservice based backend for a blogging platform. It has 4 services - authentication, blog, feed, and user. Swagger UI for these services is also available.

MIT License



Microservice based backend and Next.js frontend for a micro-blogging platform.

It offers four distinct API services that collectively enable various functionalities:

  • Authentication: This service facilitates essential operations such as user login, logout, and registration, ensuring secure access to the platform.
  • Blog: The Blog service provides features for managing blog-related activities. Users can create, update, and delete their blog posts. Additionally, they have the ability to like or dislike posts, promoting user engagement and feedback.
  • User: This service focuses on user-related interactions. It allows users to follow or unfollow other users, enabling social connections within the platform. Furthermore, users can delete their account if desired.
  • Feed: The Feed service is responsible for curating and displaying relevant content to users. It offers multiple options for customizing the feed, including displaying all posts, posts from followed authors, liked posts, posts by a specific user, or a particular post.
  • Swagger - You can access the Swagger UI at localhost:8084/swagger/index.html

Try this API service in postman.

Local setup

Code-base Setup

a) Backend setup

  1. Each folder of the root directory in the codebase contains an .env.example file. Follow the steps below to set up the necessary environment variables:
  • Create a file named .env in each folder.
  • Open the .env.example file and copy its contents.
  • Paste the copied contents into the corresponding .env file.
  • Replace the placeholder values in the .env file with the suggested values provided in the .env.example file.
  1. To set up the service locally, follow the steps below:
  • Clone the repository to your local machine.
  • Open a terminal and navigate to the cloned repository.
  • Create a network using the command docker network create my-network
  • Run the command docker compose up.

Note: The docker compose up command will automatically set up the database. However, if it fails, please refer to the "DB-Setup" section for further instructions.

b) Frontend setup

Frontend is a Next.js 13.x application bootsrapped by create-next-app

After cloning the project:

  • cd ./frontend
  • npm i
  • cp ./env.local.example ./env.local
  • npm run dev

Navigate to http://localhost:3000 to access the frontend of this project.


After running docker compose up, perform the following steps:

  1. Open a new terminal window.
  2. Execute the command docker exec -it db bash.
  3. Run the command psql -U postgres to access the PostgreSQL command-line interface.
  4. Create a new database by executing the command CREATE DATABASE blogx_db;.
  5. Connect to the newly created database by executing the command \c blogx_db.
  6. Open the init.sql file located in the \db folder.
  7. Copy the contents of the init.sql file.
  8. Paste the copied contents into the terminal where the PostgreSQL command-line interface is running.
  9. Press Enter to execute the commands and initialize the database.

By following these steps, you should be able to set up the local environment and initialize the necessary database for the service.

Authentication service

endpoint method success statuscode auth tokenrequirement
/ GET 200 NO
/register POST 201 NO
/login POST 200 NO
/logout POST 202 YES

Blog service

endpoint endpoint success statuscode auth tokenrequirement
/ GET 200 NO
/addBlog POST 200 YES
/updateBlog PATCH 200 YES
/deleteBlog DELETE 204 YES
/like?post_id= GET 200 YES
/dislike?post_id= GET 200 YES

Feed service

endpoint method success statuscode auth tokenrequirement
/ GET 200 NO
/allPosts GET 200 YES
/allPostsPageWise?page_no= GET 200 YES
/postWithId?post_id= GET 200 YES
/postWithUserId?user_id= GET 200 YES
/myPosts GET 200 YES
/followingUsersPosts GET 200 YES
/myLikedPosts GET 200 YES

User service

endpoint method success statuscode auth tokenrequirement
/ GET 200 NO
/delete DELETE 204 YES
/follow?toFollowId= POST 200 YES
/unfollow?toUnfollowId= POST 200 YES

As this is the first version of this backend, each service endpoint is preceded by /v1/api


Database used - PostgreSQL


image Database-diagram


Table name Description
users Stores the details of users. The password is not stored directly; it is hashed for security purposes.
posts Stores the blog posts created by users.
user_followers Represents the relationship between users, where the follower_id follows the following_id.
user_likes Records the likes given by users (user_id) to specific posts (post_id).

Tools and Technologies used

  1. Go
  2. Next.js (Type-script)
  3. PostgreSQL
  4. Redis
  5. Docker and Docker-compose
  6. HAProxy (load-balancer)
  7. SwaggerUI