

bridge server for lightning addresses

This is a server that allows you to receive payments at [email protected] noncustodially (but not fully trustlessly[^trustless]).

It will serve the necessary JSON and then use RPC calls to connect to your node and fetch invoices on demand.

You don't have to do anything besides buying a domain and setting up some DNS records. HTTPS will be provided automatically for you.

Supported Lightning Backends

  • LND
  • Eclair
  • Sparko
  • Commando
  • LNPay
  • LNbits

Setup Guide

Considering you own the domain, you need to set up these DNS records:

Record Domain Name Value

To use with LND:

Record Domain Name Value
TXT lnd
TXT http(s)://
TXT invoice_macaroon_as_base64_or_hex

It is better to bake a new macaroon with a single authorization to create invoices and nothing else. If you don't know how to do that it's fine to get the built-in "invoices" macaroon.

The host value here must be the address and port to your REST API, not your gRPC API nor your Lightning connection port.

To use with Eclair:

Record Domain Name Value
TXT http(s)://

Follow instructions here on how to properly expose your Eclair to the external world.

To use with CLN and Commando

Record Domain Name Value
TXT commando
TXT nodeidlike_02c16cca44562...
TXT runeasbase64

To use with CLN and Sparko:

Record Domain Name Value
TXT sparko
TXT http(s)://
TXT key_with_permission_to_method_invoicewithdescriptionhash

By default, your Sparko host will be something like http://your.ip:9737.

To use with LNPay:

Record Domain Name Value
TXT pak_oooooooo
TXT waki_ooooooo

See keys docs for what "pak" and "waki" mean.

To use with LNbits:

Record Domain Name Value
TXT lnbits
TXT http(s)://
TXT lnbits_invoice_key

Just setup the records above and it's done. Now you can receive payments at [email protected].


DNS records are public. Only put "invoice" keys there, never "payment"/"admin" keys.

IPv6, .onion addresses, Tor, ZeroTier

If your node is listening on Tor, no problem, you can just use .onion addresses on the _host entry normally.

Some people have static IPv6 addresses pointing directly to their machines (instead of to their home router). You can use these directly.

If your node doesn't have a public address and it is also not listening on Tor, you can use It is very easy. Just download it, install it and join the public network a0cbf4b62a1e645f, then use the IP you'll be assigned and we will be able to connect.

Optional extras:

If you want to specify a description for the wallet payment screen:

Record Domain Name Value
TXT free text

If you want to specify an image for the wallet payment screen:

Record Domain Name Value

If you want to receive comments or payment notifications (if you don't know where to send these, I recommend or

Record Domain Name Value

The webhook will contain a JSON object like {"comment": "...", "pr": "lnbc...", "amount:": 12345}, amount in millisatoshis. The webhook is dispatched when an invoice is generated, not when it is paid, since we don't know when (or if) it was paid.

If you use a self-signed certificate and want that to be checked:

Record Domain Name Value

If you want to reuse the domain root to redirect arbitrary pages to elsewhere (maybe to the www. subdomain?)(follows the same interface and rules found in

Record Domain Name Value
TXT Redirects to https://somewhere.else

[^trustless]: bridgeaddr requires you to trust that the server won't just show their invoice instead of yours when someone tries to send you money. The server can do that and effectively steal the payments you receive until you notice that. It cannot however touch the money you have on your wallet ever.