
A Golang implementation of XML canonicalization

MIT License



This package is a Golang implementation of XML Canonicalization ("c14n"). In particular, it implements the Exclusive Canonical XML specification, which is the recommended canonicalization scheme used in SAML.

If you're looking to canonicalize XML because you're implementing SAML or XML Digital Signature, consider using github.com/ucarion/saml or github.com/ucarion/dsig, which are implemented using this package.


Install this package by running:

go get github.com/ucarion/c14n


The most common way to use this package is to call c14n.Canonicalize with a xml.Decoder:

input := `<foo z="2" a="1"><bar /></foo>`
decoder := xml.NewDecoder(strings.NewReader(input))
out, err := c14n.Canonicalize(decoder)
fmt.Println(string(out), err)
// Output:
// <foo a="1" z="2"><bar></bar></foo> <nil>


This package ignores processing directives, and so technically does not fully comply with the Exclusive Canonical XML spec. In particular, the spec says that if you have a document like this:

<!DOCTYPE doc [
<!ENTITY ent1 "Hello">
<!ENTITY ent2 SYSTEM "world.txt">
<doc attrExtEnt="entExt">
   &ent1;, &ent2;!

<!-- Assume world.txt contains "world" (excluding the quotes) -->

Then it should be canonicalized as:

<doc attrExtEnt="entExt">
   Hello, world!

But in order to do that, this package would need to potentially do I/O in order to work, and it would need to understand the entire DTD spec. Furthermore, the standard library's XML decoder doesn't support parsing custom entities (instead, it errors out), so this package would need to ship an alternative to xml.Decoder.

Thus, this package does not support custom entities and other features driven by processing directives. In practice, these features are rarely used in common protocols like SAML.