
CBconvert is a Comic Book converter

GPL-3.0 License




CBconvert is a Comic Book converter.

It can convert comics to different formats to fit your various devices.

See more screenshots.


  • reads CBR (RAR), CBZ (ZIP), CB7 (7Z), CBT (TAR), PDF, XPS, EPUB, MOBI and plain directory
  • saves processed files in ZIP archive format or TAR
  • images can be converted to JPEG, PNG, TIFF, WEBP, AVIF, JXL, or 4-Bit BMP (16 colors) image format
  • rotate, adjust brightness/contrast, adjust levels (Photoshop-like) or grayscale images
  • resize filters (NearestNeighbor, Box, Linear, MitchellNetravali, CatmullRom, Gaussian, Lanczos)
  • export covers from comics
  • create thumbnails from covers by FreeDesktop specification


Using cbconvert in file managers to generate FreeDesktop thumbnails

Copy cbconvert cli binary to your PATH and create file ~/.local/share/thumbnailers/cbconvert.thumbnailer:

[Thumbnailer Entry]
Exec=cbconvert thumbnail --quiet --width %s --outfile %o %i

This is what it looks like in the PCManFM file manager:

Using command line app

    Usage: cbconvert <command> [<flags>] [file1 dir1 ... fileOrDirN]


            Convert archive or document

            Image width (default "0")
            Image height (default "0")
            Best fit for required width and height (default "false")
            Image format, valid values are jpeg, png, tiff, bmp, webp, avif, jxl (default "jpeg")
    	    Archive format, valid values are zip, tar (default "zip")
            Image quality (default "75")
            0=NearestNeighbor, 1=Box, 2=Linear, 3=MitchellNetravali, 4=CatmullRom, 6=Gaussian, 7=Lanczos (default "2")
            Do not convert the cover image (default "false")
            Do not convert images that have RGB colorspace (default "false")
            Remove non-image files from the archive (default "false")
    	    Do not transform or convert images (default "false")
            Convert images to grayscale (monochromatic) (default "false")
            Rotate images, valid values are 0, 90, 180, 270 (default "0")
            Adjust the brightness of the images, must be in the range (-100, 100) (default "0")
            Adjust the contrast of the images, must be in the range (-100, 100) (default "0")
            Add suffix to file basename (default "")
            Shadow input value (default "0")
            Midpoint/Gamma (default "1")
            Highlight input value (default "255")
            Shadow output value (default "0")
            Highlight output value (default "255")
            Output directory (default ".")
            Process only files larger than size (in MB) (default "0")
            Process subdirectories recursively (default "false")
            Hide console output (default "false")

            Extract cover

            Image width (default "0")
            Image height (default "0")
            Best fit for required width and height (default "false")
            Image format, valid values are jpeg, png, tiff, bmp, webp, avif, jxl (default "jpeg")
            Image quality (default "75")
            0=NearestNeighbor, 1=Box, 2=Linear, 3=MitchellNetravali, 4=CatmullRom, 6=Gaussian, 7=Lanczos (default "2")
            Output directory (default ".")
            Process only files larger than size (in MB) (default "0")
            Process subdirectories recursively (default "false")
            Hide console output (default "false")

            Extract cover thumbnail (freedesktop spec.)

            Image width (default "0")
            Image height (default "0")
            Best fit for required width and height (default "false")
            0=NearestNeighbor, 1=Box, 2=Linear, 3=MitchellNetravali, 4=CatmullRom, 6=Gaussian, 7=Lanczos (default "2")
            Output directory (default ".")
            Output file (default "")
            Process only files larger than size (in MB) (default "0")
            Process subdirectories recursively (default "false")
            Hide console output (default "false")

            CBZ metadata

            Print cover name (default "false")
            Print zip comment (default "false")
            Set zip comment (default "")
            Add file to archive (default "")
            Remove file(s) from archive (glob pattern, i.e. *.xml) (default "")


  • Rescale images to 1200px for all supported files found in a directory with a size larger than 60MB:

cbconvert --recursive --width 1200 --size 60 /media/comics/Thorgal/

  • Convert all images in pdf to 4bit BMP images and save the result in ~/comics directory:

cbconvert --format bmp --outdir ~/comics /media/comics/Garfield/Garfield_01.pdf

BMP format is a very good choice for black&white pages. Archive size can be smaller 2-3x and the file will be readable by comic readers.

  • Extract covers to ~/covers dir for all supported files found in the directory, Lanczos algorithm is used for resizing:

cbconvert cover --outdir ~/covers --filter=7 /media/comics/GrooTheWanderer/

  • Convert all images to AVIF format:

cbconvert --format avif --quality 50 --width 1280 --outdir ~/comics /media/comics/Misc/

Quality settings

This table maps quality settings for JPEG to the respective AVIF and WEBP quality settings:

JPEG quality 50 60 70 80
AVIF quality 48 51 56 64
WEBP quality 55 64 72 82


Install ImageMagick7 (with libheif/libjxl support) and MuPDF libraries and headers and then install to GOBIN:

go install -tags extlib github.com/gen2brain/cbconvert/cmd/cbconvert@latest

For GUI app, check IUP requirements, and then install:

go install -tags extlib github.com/gen2brain/cbconvert/cmd/cbconvert-gui@latest