
Opinionated PKI management using a single command

MIT License



certman is an opinionated tool for managing TLS certificates. It creates certificate authorities (CAs) and certificates signed by these CAs. All just with a handful of simple CLI commands.


Either grab one of the released versions or install certman using Go's install command:

go install go.e13.dev/[email protected]

Creating a CA

certman create ca --cert-out ca.pem --key-out ca.key --config ca.yaml

This command stores the CA certificate in ca.pem and its private key in ca.key. The values of the certificate are derived from the configuration given in ca.yaml which looks similar to this example:

apiVersion: v1
commonName: My awesome CA
organization: Me
country: US
province: California
locality: San Francisco
NotBefore: 2022-02-18T15:00:00+01:00
NotAfter: 2032-02-18T15:00:00+01:00

Creating a certificate

After creating a CA you use it to create certificates that you can directly inject into your favourite web server:

certman create cert --csr-config test.yaml --ca-key ca.key --ca-cert ca.pem --out test.pem --privkey-out test.key

The given test.yaml looks similar to this example:

apiVersion: v1
commonName: example.org
organization: Me
country: US
province: California
locality: San Francisco

The certificate has the following properties:

  • Valid for 90 days
  • Valid for "TLS Web Server Authentication" (this is the only x509 extended key usage)
  • The subject alternative name (SAN) is set to the same value as the common name in the configuration file.

Creating a certificate signing request (CSR)

The section above skips over the CSR creation by implicitly creating a CSR and directly creating a certificate from it. If you'd like to create a CSR for submission to an external CA you do so by running the following command:

certman create csr --out test.csr --privkey-out test.key --config test.yaml

The test.yaml is the same as the one in the example above. The command will create a public/private key pair and sign the CSR using the private key.