
Go struct tags for marshaling and unmarshaling map[string]string

MIT License


labeler 🏷 Go Report Card

A Go package for marshaling and unmarshaling map[string]string with struct tags.

Requires go version 1.13+ for errors.As and errors.Is

go get
package main
import (

// The simplest implementation uses a container for labels,
// denoted with a tag marked as `label:"*"`
type Struct struct {
	Labels map[string]string `label:"*"`
	Field  string            `label:"field"`

func main() {
    labels := map[string]string{"field": "val"}
    v := Struct{}
    labeler.Unmarshal(labels, &v)
    result, err := labeler.Marshal(&v)

    _ = err
    fmt.Println("v.Field: ", v.Field)
    for key, value := range labels {
        fmt.Printf("labels[%s]: %s result[%s]: %s\n", key, labels[key], key, result[key])


I am developing a project on Google Cloud Platform. Resources on GCP can have labels, which I use in a number of ways to classify and organize with. The gRPC client responses come with a GetLabels()map[string]string method. This project was built as a means to interpret map[string]string into a well-defined struct.

The package has worked really well for config values coming in from Environ & elsewhere.

Value: interface{} defined

Both Marshal and Unmarshal accept v interface{}, the value to marshal from or unmarshal into. v must be pointer to a struct or a type that implements labeler.MarshalWithOpts, labeler.Marshal, labeler.UnmarshalWithOpts, or labeler.Unmarshal respectively.


labeler is fairly flexible when it comes to what all you can tag. It supports the following types:

Interface / Type Signature Usage
labeler.MarshalerWithOpts MarshalLabels(o labeler.Options) map[string]string Marshal
labeler.Marshaler MarshalLabels() map[string]string Marshal
fmt.Stringer String() string Marshal
encoding.TextMarshaler MarshalText() (text []byte, err error) Marshal
labeler.UnmarshalerWithOpts UnmarshalLabels(v map[string]string, opts Options) error Unmarshal
labeler.Unmarshaler UnmarshalLabels(l map[string]string) error Unmarshal
labeler.Stringee FromString(s string) error Unmarshal
encoding.TextUnmarshaler UnmarshalText(text []byte) error Unmarshal
struct can either implement any of the above interfaces or have fields with tags. Supports n level of nesting Both
basic types string, bool, int, int64, int32, int16, int8, float64, float32, uint, uint64, uint32, uint16, uint8, complex128, complex64, Both
time time.Time, time.Duration Both
pointer pointer to any of the above Both
slices & arrays slices / arrays composed of any type above Both


When unmarshaling, labeler needs a way to persist labels, regardless of whether or not they have been assigned to tagged fields. By default, labeler will retain all labels unless Options.KeepLabels is set to false (See Options). This is to ensure data integrity for labels that have not been unmarshaled into fields.

Your available choices for v are:

Interface / Type Signature
labeler.UnmarshalerWithOpts UnmarshalLabels(v map[string]string, opts Options) error
labeler.Unmarshaler UnmarshalLabels(l map[string]string) error
labeler.Labelee SetLabels(labels map[string]string)
labeler.StrictLabelee SetLabels(labels map[string]string) error
labeler.GenericLabelee SetLabels(labels map[string]string, tag string) error
struct with a container field A struct with a field marked as being the container using Options.ContainerToken on any level of v or a field with the name matching Options.ContainerField that is any type above or an accessible map[string]string. (See Options).

While marshaling, labeler will prioritize field values over those stored in your label container. This means that values in the map[string]string will be overridden if there is a key with a matching tag.

labeler ignores the case of keys by default, but this is configurable. (See Options)

Input (Unmarshal)

For Unmarshal, you also need to pass input interface{} which provides a means of accessing the labels map[string]string.

input must satisfy one of the following:

Interface / Type Signature Example
labeler.Labeled GetLabels() map[string]string example
labeler.GenericallyLabeled GetLabels(tag string) map[string]string example
map[string]string Any type derived from map[string]string example

Labeler Instance

If you need to change any Option, consider creating an instance of labeler as there will be a bit of extra pre-processing for each call to Marshal and Unmarshal otherwise.

environ := labeler.NewLabeler(OptTag("env"))
// then use environ.Unmarshal(in, v) and environ.Marshal(v)
_ = environ


Basic example with accessor / mutator for labels

package main

import (


type ExampleInput struct {
	Labels map[string]string

func (e ExampleInput) GetLabels() map[string]string {
	return e.Labels

type NestedExample struct {
	Field string `label:"nested_field"`

type Example struct {
	Name            string        `label:"name"`
	Duration        time.Duration `label:"duration"`
	Time            time.Time     `label:"time, format: 01/02/2006 03:04PM"`
	Dedupe          string        `label:"dedupe, discard"`
	CaSe            string        `label:"CaSe, casesensitive"`
	FloatWithFormat float64       `label:"FloatWithFormat, format:b"`
	Float64         float64       `label:"float64"`
	Float32         float32       `label:"float32"`
	Int             int           `label:"int"`
	Int64           int64         `label:"int64"`
	Int32           int32         `label:"int32"`
	Int16           int16         `label:"int16"`
	Int8            int8          `label:"int8"`
	Bool            bool          `label:"bool"`
	Uint            uint          `label:"uint"`
	Uint64          uint64        `label:"uint64"`
	Uint32          uint32        `label:"uint32"`
	Uint16          uint16        `label:"uint16"`
	Uint8           uint8         `label:"uint8"`
	StrSlice        []string      `label:"str_slice"`
	IntArray        [8]int        `label:"int_array"`
	Nested          NestedExample
	Labels          map[string]string // SetLabels is used instead of the container
func (e *Example) SetLabels(l map[string]string) {
	e.Labels = l
func (e *Example) GetLabels() map[string]string {
	return e.Labels

func main() {
	labels := map[string]string{
		"name":            "Bart",
		"imp":             "important field",
		"enum":            "ValueB",
		"int":             "123456789",
		"int64":           "1234567890",
		"int32":           "12345",
		"int16":           "123",
		"int8":            "1",
		"bool":            "true",
		"duration":        "1s",
		"float64":         "1.1234567890",
		"float32":         "1.123",
		"time":            "09/26/2020 10:10PM",
		"uint":            "1234",
		"uint64":          "1234567890",
		"uint32":          "1234567",
		"uint16":          "123",
		"uint8":           "1",
		"FloatWithFormat": "123.234823484",
		"dedupe":          "Will be removed from the Labels after field value is set",
		"case":            "value should not be set due to not matching case",
		"nested_field":    "nested value",
		"int_array":       "0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7"
		"str_slice":       "red,blue,green"

	input := ExampleInput {
		Labels: labels,
    v := &Example{}

    err := labeler.Unmarshal(input, v)

    if err != nil {
        var pErr *labeler.ParsingError
        select {
        case errors.As(err, &pErr):
            for _, fieldErr := range pErr.Errors {
                // fieldErr has the field's Name (string) and Tag (labeler.Tag)
                // as well as Err, the underlying Error which unwraps
        case errors.Is(err, ErrInvalidInput):
            // bad input

    l, err := labeler.Unmarshal(v)

    if err != nil {
        //handle err

    fmt.Println(l) // map[string]string

Example using a container tag

If you don't want to use accessors and mutators on your input and value, you can opt instead for a container tag that is of map[string]string or implements the appropriate interface to retrieve and set labels. You can also pass in a map[string]string directly as your input for Unmarshal.

The container token is configurable with the ContainerToken option. See Options for more info.

package main

import (

type Example2 struct {
	Name          string            `label:"name"`
	Defaulted     string            `label:"defaulted, default: my default value"` // spaces are trimmed
	Labels        map[string]string `label:"*"`

func main() {
    l := map[string]string { name: "Homer" }

    v := &Example2{}

    err := labeler.Unmarshal(l, v)
    if err != nil {
        // handle err
        _ = err
    fmt.Println("Name is: ", v.Name)
    fmt.Println(len(v.Labels), " Labels")
    labels, err := labeler.Marshal(v, l)
    if err != nil {
        _ = err


Example with an enum

The only important bit is that Color implements String() string and FromString(s string) error. Color could have also implemented UnmarshalText(text []byte) error and MarshalText() (text []byte, err error).

package main

type Color int

const (
	ColorUnknown Color = iota

type Example3 struct {
	Color  Color             `label:"color"`
	Labels map[string]string `label:"*"`

var colorMapToStr map[Color]string = map[Color]string{
	ColorUnknown: "Unknown",
	ColorBlue:    "Blue",
	ColorRed:     "Red",

func getColorMapFromStr() map[string]Color {
	m := make(map[string]Color)
	for k, v := range colorMapToStr {
		m[v] = k
	return m

var colormMapFromStr map[string]Color = getColorMapFromStr()

func (c Color) String() string {
	return colorMapToStr[my]

func (c *Color) FromString(s string) error {
	if v, ok := colorMapFromStr[s]; ok {
		*my = v
		return nil
	return errors.New("Invalid value")

type Example3 struct {

Example using multiple tags

Say you have multiple sources of labels and you want to unmarshal them into the same struct. This is achievable by setting the option Tag! See Options for more info.

import (


type Example4 struct {
    Name             string            `property:"name"`
    Color            string            `attribute:"color"`
    Characteristics  map[string]string
    Attributes       map[string]string

func (e *Example4) GetLabels(t string){
    switch t {
        case "property":
            return e.Characteristics
        case "attribute":
            return e.Attributes
func (e *Example4) SetLabels(l map[string]string, t string) error{
    switch t {
        case "property":
            e.Characteristics = l
        case "attribute":
            e.Attributes = l

func main() {
    properties := map[string]string { name: "Homer" }
    attributes := map[string]string { color: "Yellow" }
    v := &Example4{}

    err := labeler.Unmarshal(v, properties, OptTag("property"))
    if err != nil {
        _ = err
   err := labeler.Unmarshal(v, attributes, OptTag("attribute"))
    if err != nil {
        _ = err




Option Default Details Option func
Tag "label" Tag is the name of the tag to lookup. This is especially handy if you have multiple sources of labels OptTag(t string)
Separator "," Seperates the tag attributes. Configurable incase you have a tag that contains commas. OptSeparator(v string)
Split "," String used to split and join arrays and slices OptSplit(v string)
ContainerField "" ContainerField determines the field to set and retrieve the labels in the form of map[string]string. If ContainerField is set, labeler will assume that GetLabels and SetLabels should not be utilized. To set the ContainerField of a nested field, use dot notation (Root.Labels). ContainerField is not required if input implements the appropriate interface to retrieve and set labels. OptContainerField(s string)
ContainerToken "*" Used in place of the ContainerField option, indicating the container field via tag instead. It must derive from map[string]string. This option is only required if you do not wish to implement mutator/accessor interfaces. This can also be used to set some options such as TimeFormat, FloatFormat, ComplexFormat, CaseSensitive, IntBase, UintBase using the appropriate tokens. OptContainerToken(v string)
AssignmentStr ":" Used to assign values. This is in the event that a default value needs to contain ":" OptAssignmentStr(v string)
KeepLabels true Indicates whether or not labels that have been assigned to values are kept in the labels map[string]string when unmarshaling. OptKeepLabels() OptDiscardLabels()
IgnoreCase true If true, label keys are matched regardless of case. Setting this to false makes all keys case sensitive. This can be overridden at the field level. OptCaseSensitive()
OmitEmpty true Determines whether or not to set zero-value when marshaling and unmarshaling. OptOmitEmpty() OptIncludeEmpty()
TimeFormat "" Default format / layout to use when formatting time.Time. Field level formats can be provided with either format (configurable) or timeformat (configurable) OptTimeFormat(v string)
IntBase 10 default base while parsing int, int64, int32, int16, int8 OptIntBase(b int)
UintBase 10 default base while parsing uint, uint64, uint32, uint16, uint8 OptUintBase(b int)
ComplexFormat 'f' Default format to use when formatting complex values. OptComplexFormat(f byte)
FloatFormat 'f' Default format to use when formatting float values. OptFloatFormat(f byte)


Option Default Details Option func
KeepToken "keep" Token used to set KeepLabels to true OptKeepToken(v string)
DiscardToken "discard" Token used to set KeepLabels to false OptDiscardToken(v string)
DefaultToken "default" Token to provide a default value if one is not set. OptDefaultToken(v string)
SplitToken "split" Token used to set Split to v OptSplitToken(v string)
CaseSensitiveToken "casesensitive" Token used to set IgnoreCase to false OptCaseSensitiveToken(v string)
IgnoreCaseToken "ignorecase" Token used to determine whether or not to ignore case of the field's (or all fields if on container) key OptIgnoreCaseToken(v string)
OmitEmptyToken "omitempty" Token used to determine whether or not to assign empty / zero-value labels OptOmitEmptyToken(v string)
IncludeEmptyToken "includeempty" Token used to determine whether or not to assign empty / zero-value labels OptIncludeEmptyToken(v string)
FormatToken "format" Token to set the field-level formatting for time and float. OptFormatToken(v string)
TimeFormatToken "timeformat" Token used to set TimeFormat. FormatToken can be used on non-container fields instead. OptTimeFormatToken(v string)
FloatFormatToken "floatformat" Token used to set FloatFormat. FormatToken can be used on non-container fields instead. OptFloatFormatToken(v string)
ComplexFormatToken "complexformat" Token used to set ComplexFormat. FormatToken can be used on non-container fields instead. OptComplexFormatToken(v string)
BaseToken "base" sets the token for parsing base of int, int64, int32, int16, int8, uint, uint64, uint32, uint16, and uint8 at the field level OptBaseToken(v string)
IntBaseToken "intbase" sets the token for parsing base of int, int64, int32, int16, int8, at the container or field level OptIntBaseToken(v string)
UintBaseToken "uintbase" sets the token for parsing base of uint, uint64, uint32, uint16, uint8, at the container or field level OptUintBaseToken(v string)


Prior Art

  • go-env by Netflix. This is the only package that I looked at that does something similar. It was a huge help in getting started.

If you run into any issues or have any questions, please do submit a ticket.


Do with it as you wish.