
aka Command Line Text is a Messaging Service based on Go-Lang using a TCP connection

MIT License


Made With Go Badge [GitHub license]

What is CLText?

CLText is a CLI messaging service built using Go-Lang. It uses a TCP connection. The whole application is built upon:-

  • client: current user and its connection
  • room
  • command: from the client to the server
  • server: which manages all incoming commands, as well it stores rooms and clients
  • TCP server itself to accept network connections


Kindly refer to the Wiki

Install & Run

These Instructions are for Linux Ubuntu

  1. Install the source code
  2. open the directory in your IDE and run cd chat/
  3. run go build . which builds an executable in the chat directory itself
  4. run ./chat which runs the exectuable. Now the server should start

These Instructions are for MacOS

  1. Install homebrew.
  2. run brew install telnet.
  3. The remaining steps are same to that of Ubuntu which are aforementioned.

Commands in Use


This package is licensed under MIT license. See LICENSE for details

Feel free to issue a PR anytime if you feel that the changes can improve the application's functionality.