
Simple, efficient background processing for Golang backed by RabbitMQ and Redis

MIT License


Table of Contents

How to use:

First add it to $GOPATH

go get

Then add configuration for rabbitmq for messaging, redis as backend, optionally mongodb as backend for re-enqueuing feature. Start the server to consume the tasks and start the client session to send tasks to server. Start server and client. Write task handlers and register them. Send the tasks to process. And voila!, you have set up the simplest background processing job server.

You should see something like this when everything is up and running List of services


In python world you have Celery, in Ruby world you have Resque, SideKiq, in C# Hangfire. All of them had one thing in common, simple interface to get started. When building products in Golang, this was apparent that, there is no library with a simple interface. We have Machinery, which is an excellent library, but has a steep learning curve. Also it has tonnes of features baked in that you do not need but is required anyway.

Also the way it handled processing of future tasks with RabbitMQ's Dead Letter Exchange, we were not very fond of it. So we decided to make our own job processing library. This is a opinionated library as it uses RabbitMQ as the message broker and Redis and optionally MongoDB backend for more features. This setup has worked great for us in production and under stress and I believe this can work for large tasks as well


  • Go
  • RabbitMQ
  • Redis
  • MongoDB (optional)


  • Task Priority
  • Persistence
  • Queue type
  • Retries
  • Multiple consumer & server
  • Concurrency
  • Redis and Mongo log
  • Re-enqueue recovered task
  • Handle Reconnection
  • UI
  • Rest API




Cogman api config example.

cfg := &config.Config{
    ConnectionTimeout: time.Minute * 10, // default value 10 minutes
    RequestTimeout   : time.Second * 5,  // default value 5 second

    AmqpURI : "amqp://localhost:5672",                  // required
    RedisURI: "redis://localhost:6379/0",               // required
    MongoURI: "mongodb://root:secret@localhost:27017/", // optional

    RedisTTL: time.Hour * 24 * 7,  // optional. default value 1 week
    MongoTTL: time.Hour * 24 * 30, // optional. default value 1 month

    HighPriorityQueueCount: 2,     // optional. default value 1
    LowPriorityQueueCount : 4,     // optional. default value 1
    StartRestServer:        true   // optional. default value false

Client & Server also has individual config file to use them separately.


This Cogman api call will start a client and a server.

if err := cogman.StartBackground(cfg); err != nil {

Instead, if you want you can initiate Client & Server individually:

// Client
client, err := cogman.NewSession(cfg)
if err != nil {

if err := client.Connect(); err != nil {

// Server
server, err := cogman.NewServer(cfg)
if err != nil {

go func() {
    defer server.Stop()
    if err = server.Start(); err != nil {


Tasks are grouped by two priority level. Based on that it will be assigned to a queue.

type Task struct {
    TaskID         string       // unique. ID should be assigned by Cogman.
    Name           string       // required. And Task name must be registered with a task handler
    OriginalTaskID string       // a retry task will carry it's parents ID.
    PrimaryKey     string       // optional. Client can set any key to trace a task.
    Retry          int          // default value 0.
    Prefetch       int          // optional. Number of task fetch from queue by consumer at a time.
    Payload        []byte       // required
    Priority       TaskPriority // required. High or Low
    Status         Status       // current task status
    FailError      string       // default empty. If Status is failed, it must have a value.
    Duration       *float64     // task execution time.
    CreatedAt      time.Time    // create time.
    UpdatedAt      time.Time    // last update time.

Worker/Task Handler

Any struct can be passed as a handler it implements below interface:

type Handler interface {
	Do(ctx context.Context, payload []byte) error

A function type HandlerFunc also can pass as handler.

type HandlerFunc func(ctx context.Context, payload []byte) error

func (h HandlerFunc) Do(ctx context.Context, payload []byte) error {
	return h(ctx, payload)

Register The Handlers

// Register task handler from Server side
server.Register(taskName, handler)
server.Register(taskName, handlerFunc)

Send Task

Sending task using Cogman API:

if err := cogman.SendTask(*task, handler); err != nil {

// If a task handler is already registered, you can pass nil.
if err := cogman.SendTask(*task, nil); err != nil {

Sending task using Cogman Client/Server:

// Sending task from client
if err := client.SendTask(task); err != nil {
    return err


Cogman queue type:

- High_Priority_Queue [default Queue]
- Low_Priority_Queue  [lazy Queue]

There are two types queues that Cogman maintains. Default & Lazy queue. High priority tasks would be pushed to default queue and low priority task would be pushed to lazy queue. The number of each type of queues can be set by client/server through configuration. Queue won't be lost after any sort of connection interruption.


Cogman Client & Server both handles reconnection. If the client loses connection, it can still take tasks, and those will be processed immediate after Cogman client gets back the connection. After Server reconnects, it will start to consume tasks without losing any task.


Re-enqueue feature to recover all the initiated task those are lost for connection error. If client somehow loses the amqp connection, Cogman can still take the task in offline. All offline task will be re-queue after connection re-established. Cogman fetches all the offline tasks from mongo logs, and re-initiate them. Mongo connection required here. For re-enqueuing, task retry count would not change.

Feature Comparison

Comparison among the other job/task process runner.

Feature Cogman Machinery
Backend redis/mongo redis
Delayed jobs
Concurrent client/server
Rest API


Want to contribute? Great!

To fix a bug or enhance an existing module, follow these steps:

  • Fork the repo
  • Create a new branch (git checkout -b improve-feature)
  • Make the appropriate changes in the files
  • Add changes to reflect the changes made
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Improve feature')
  • Push to the branch (git push origin improve-feature)
  • Create a Pull Request

Bug / Feature Request

If you find a bug, kindly open an issue here. If you'd like to request/add a new function, feel free to do so by opening an issue here.


MIT © MD Ahad Hasan