
Generates a slice of all possible value combinations for any given struct and a set of its potential member values

MIT License



combinator generates a slice of all possible value combinations for any given struct and a set of its potential member values. This can be used to generate extensive test matrixes among other things.


go get


type User struct {
    Name  string
    Age   uint
    Admin bool

  Define potential test values. Make sure the struct's fields share the name and
  type of the structs you want to generate.
testData := struct {
    Name  []string
    Age   []uint
    Admin []bool
    Name:  []string{"Alice", "Bob"},
    Age:   []uint{23, 42, 99},
    Admin: []bool{false, true},

// Generate all possible combinations
var users []User
combinator.Generate(&users, testData)

for i, u := range users {
    fmt.Printf("Combination %2d | Name: %-5s | Age: %d | Admin: %v\n", i, u.Name, u.Age, u.Admin)
Combination  0 | Name: Alice | Age: 23 | Admin: false
Combination  1 | Name: Bob   | Age: 23 | Admin: false
Combination  2 | Name: Alice | Age: 42 | Admin: false
Combination  3 | Name: Bob   | Age: 42 | Admin: false
Combination  4 | Name: Alice | Age: 99 | Admin: false
Combination  5 | Name: Bob   | Age: 99 | Admin: false
Combination  6 | Name: Alice | Age: 23 | Admin: true
Combination  7 | Name: Bob   | Age: 23 | Admin: true
Combination  8 | Name: Alice | Age: 42 | Admin: true
Combination  9 | Name: Bob   | Age: 42 | Admin: true
Combination 10 | Name: Alice | Age: 99 | Admin: true
Combination 11 | Name: Bob   | Age: 99 | Admin: true
