
Update Kubernetes deployments and Docker Swarm services using webhooks

MIT License



Update Kubernetes deployments and Docker Swarm services using webhooks


  • Create a service account:
    kubectl create serviceaccount deployd
  • Create a role binding allowing the service account to perform edits:
    kubectl apply -f role-binding.yaml
  • Create a secret named deployd-secret with key token
  • Create the deployment:
    kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
  • Create the service:
    kubectl apply -f service.yaml
  • Create an ingress

Docker Swarm

  • See docker-compose.yml
  • Make sure to set environment variable DEPLOYD_TOKEN to a new secret

Updating deployments/services

Updates of deployments/services can be triggered using, e.g.

wget --content-on-error --header "Authorization: $DEPLOYD_TOKEN" -qO- \

Here, $DEPLOYD_TOKEN is the secret token that was specified in the configuration, $DEPLOYD_NAME is the name of the service/deployment to be updated, $DEPLOYD_IMAGE is the name of the Docker image that should be used, and $DEPLOYD_TAG is the tag of the Docker image that should be used.