
Command to simplify running some things (like cli tools) in Docker.

MIT License



Command to easily run things in docker containers, with simple parameters and automatic cleanup.

You can read an introductory blog post here.


Head to the releases page and download the latest version for your system, adding it to your PATH.


  dockerit [image]
  dockerit [image] [command]
  dockerit [flags] [image] [command] -- [command flags]

      --entry             Use the default entrypoint. If entry=0 you must provide one (default true)
  -e, --env stringArray   Set environment variables
  -h, --help              help for dockerit
      --home              Mount the home directory of the user
      --magic             Magically use magic settings based on the image being used
      --me                User override for the command, runs as current user
      --port string       Port mapping <host>:<container> eg. 8080:80
      --pull              Pull the docker image even if present
      --pwd               Mount the PWD into the container (and set as working directory /pwd)
      --selfupdate        Update this command to the latest release from GitHub
      --user string       User override for the command
  -v, --verbose           verbose output
      --version           version information

Example usage

With bash aliases

# composer
alias composer1='dockerit --magic composer:1 -- composer'
alias composer2='dockerit --magic composer:2 -- composer'
alias composer='composer2'

# npm
alias npm='dockerit --magic node -- npm'

Individual commands

Output help information:

dockerit --help

Run an interactive shell in the latest php image:

dockerit php -- -a

Some images have a default set of options configured which can be used with --magic:

dockerit --magic composer:1 info

You can also choose your own option set for the composer version 1 info command. Example: Mounth and u the current working directory as the current user with their home dir mounted and set as the composer home:

dockerit --me --pwd --home --env COMPOSER_HOME=~/.composer composer:1 info

Run an bash in the latest ubuntu image (overriding default point):

dockerit --entry=0 --user=root ubuntu bash

Run nginx as the container user and expose it on port 8080:

dockerit --port=8080:80 nginx

Run git in the current working directory as the current user with their home dir mounted:

dockerit --me --pwd --home git config -- --list

Run a command in an image with verbose mode turned on:

dockerit --verbose [image] [command]



go mod vendor

Run from source

There is a shortcut to help you:



Built using and a Makefile

go get

Then build...

make build

If you want to build with a specific version number / name:

VERSION=0.0.0 make build

The build directory will be populated with the release.